34. The Birthday Celebration 2✔

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Same evening

Anjali had arranged a small get together for Mehra family and Vikram. Nidhi's family could not come but the Mishra family was present.

Rahul, dressed in his casual wear, came out in the garden where the get together was organised. Nidhi looked at Rahul. She could sense his relief.

 She could sense his relief

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Anjali's dress 

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Anjali's dress 

Nidhi thinks - "What has Anjali done to Rahul? A genuine smile, no hidden pain, stress-free eyes. This is not the Rahul Mehra whom Anjali married. He is somebody else."

Ajay - "He is Anjali's Rahul."

Nidhi looks at her husband's face shocked.

Nidhi - "Did I say that loud?"

Ajay - "Yes Jaan."

Nidhi blushes at the endearment. Ajay chuckles and kisses the tip of her nose.





Rahul was busy greeting everyone. He was happy and of course looking handsome.

Anjali thinks - "Why is he so handsome? Oh God! I just want to go and kiss him. Ah, Rahul Mehra you are deviously handsome."






Dilip was standing far away from everyone. He was still angry. He could not just understand what was happening and why was everyone approving it. His ego did not allow him to see Rahul's happiness. He was angry at Anjali for organizing the party. He was angry at Nandini for not listening to him. He was even angry at Rahul for working against The Oberois. Competing them was not the issue, he was unhappy with the fact that Rahul fought for Anjali. He still felt that Anjali was nothing in front of Rahul. He could​ not sense the change in Rahul.


Oberoi Mansion

Rakesh Oberoi was sitting in his room, busy drinking.

Rakesh - "Be ready for your destruction Rahul. I will change your birthday into your death day."

He laughs evilly.

The moon and the stars were witnessing his evilness. They were feeling ashamed to even look at this man. 

Mehra Mansion

Wind was blowing hard. It looked as if the nature wanted to warn the Mehras that something wrong was about to happen. But they ignored it.

Everyone was busy enjoying themselves. There were smiles, laughter. There was happiness. Everyone was busy among themselves. 

Rahul was enjoying with his brothers, his brother-in-law and Vikram. Anjali was busy with her sister and sisters-in-law. The elder generation was busy among themselves while Adi was running here and there.

Vikram - "Rahul, you did not invite Anjali's friend to the party?"

Rahul - "Who? Priya?"

Vikram nods nervously. 

Rahul - "Anjali told me that Priya was busy with something, so she did not come. Why are you asking?"

Vikram looks nervous.

Avinash - "Do dil mil rhe hain, magar chupke chupke."

Vikram looks at Avinash shocked while everyone else is surprised.

Avinash(to Vikram) - "What? Priya like a sister to me. Do you think she will not tell me if someone is finding excuses to take her out for dinner, every now and then."

Rahul laughs out loudly while Vikram stares Avinash horrified. Avinash chuckles.

Avinash - "Don't worry. I won't eat you up."

Vikram relaxes. 

Avinash - "But Anjali may.

Rahul starts laughing while Vikram narrows his eyes at him.

While they were busy enjoying, a red dot was moving on Rahul's chest. No one noticed it except Anjali. For sometime, she could not understand what it was. But soon realisation dawned upon her. She ran towards him and pushed him and...





A loud bang was heard. Everyone ran towards Anjali, who had been shot right near her heart. Rahul stood shocked. Anjali had saved him but what she forgot was that she'd was his life, his soul, his everything. 

It started to rain heavily. The nature was crying as the evil had succeeded. 

Anjali was immediately taken to the hospital and the police was informed.


Anjali has been shot. What will happen now? What will Rahul do?

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