16. Love....✔

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Anjali was getting ready in her room. Today, she is going for her first date. She was nervous. Suddenly, her sister entered the room and looks at her from top to bottom.

Aditi - "Didi, you look awesome. Rahul bhai won't be able to take his eyes off you."

Anjali blushed at her sister's remark.

Aditi - "Oh my God. Are you blushing? Anjali Mishra is blushing. This is breaking news."

Anjali glares at her sister. She herself was shocked. She was never a shy type of girl. And she was blushing.

She heard the doorbell​. Her mother called her.

When she came to the living room, there was no sign of Rahul. She looks at her parents.

Sanjay - "He is waiting for you outside. Go and enjoy yourself. Don't be boring like your mother."

Anjali laughs at this statement and goes out to meet Rahul. He was leaning on his bike and waiting for her.

Anjali - "Bike?"

Rahul nods and starts the bike. Anjali sits behind him and they leave.

Rahul brings her to a local restaurant. The manager directs them to their table.

Anjali - "So Mr Mehra, where is my gift?"

Rahul - "First give me mine."

Anjali takes out a box from her purse and hands it to Rahul. He opens it and finds a wristwatch​. He grins and immediately takes it out of the box and replaces it with the one he was already wearing.

Anjali smiles at his actions. She knew his love for watches. She forwards her hand, silently asking for her gift. Rahul takes something out of his pockets and keeps it on her hands. She looks at it and finds it to be chocolates. She smiles at this and Rahul grins. It was a wonderful to see the Rahul Mehra grinning like a five year old.

They spend their time talking and laughing. Rahul was enjoying Anjali's company. He was feeling free with her. After they had their food, Rahul held Anjali's hand and dragged her to the garden at the backside of the restaurant.

When they were in the garden, he signalled someone. Anjali looks at him questioningly. Suddenly, a man walks towards Rahul with a guitar. Rahul takes it from him and sits down to play it. Anjali looks at him shocked.

Rahul - "You love guitar." Saying this, he starts playing Anjali's favourite song. Anjali is lost in the moment. She had no words to describe her feelings. As Rahul finishes playing and keeps the guitar down, Anjali hugs him. Rahul is surprised at first but soon reciprocates it. They spend some time together, looking at the moon and talking.

Later, Rahul drops Anjali at her home and leaves to his.

Anjali's POV

It has been a month since Rahul and I are in a relationship. Meeting daily, talking for hours has become my daily routine. Every time his name is taken, I get butterflies in my stomach, I start blushing.

Rahul's gifts are also as unique as him. Never did he give me something expensive representing his status. His gifts are cute. Balloons, chocolates, cards, flowers. The only complain I have from him is that he is not telling about us to his family. He fears talking to them. Specially his mom. Many a times have I explained him but...I need to remove the fear from his heart. Fear of losing me. He needs to have faith in the power of love.


So sorry for the late update...got busy with something. So what do you think is Anjali going to do? What will happen next?

Before you move forward, don't forget to paint the star...please.


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