Bonus Chapter 3 - Panipuri!!!

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Rahul-Anjali's Room, 2 AM

Rahul was peacefully sleeping when Anjali shook him. He woke up with a start. It had been a month since everyone came to know about Anjali's pregnancy. Since then Rahul had become extra caring for her. 

Rahul - "What happened Anju? Why did you wake me up? Is everything fine?"

Anjali - "Rahul, I want to eat panipuri."

Rahul - "No baby, doctor has said that you should not eat street food."

Anjali - "Don't baby me. I want panipuri means I want it."

Rahul - "Anju, but it is not good for you and baby."

Anjali - "You don't love me anymore. Earlier you fulfilled all my wishes. Now, you only love your baby."

Before Rahul could say something, Anjali started crying. 

Rahul - "No, don't cry Anju. Don't cry. Please. Please. You want panipuri naa. I will get it for you. But promise you won't cry."

Anjali squealed with delight and hugged Rahul. 

Anjali - "Thank you...yay. I love you Rahul."

Rahul - "I love you too, Anju. Now be a good girl and sit here while I get panipuri for you. I will come soon. Okay?"

Anjali nodded like an obedient child. Rahul smiled and kissed her forehead. He took his phone and went to the kitchen.


Rahul entered the kitchen. He unlocked his phone and opened Google. He searched for the recipe of panipuri. And at two o'clock in the night, The Rahul Mahra, who could get anything from a gesture, was making panipuri for his wife. After successfully preparing it, he carried it to his room. 

Rahul-Anjali's Room

Rahul entered with the tray in his hand. Anjali was eagerly waiting for him. She jumped in happiness, earning a glare from Rahul. He kept the tray on the table and helped Anjali to the couch. 

Anjali(looking at the tray) - "You made it yourself?"

Rahul nodded.

Anjali (getting emotional) - "You love me so much Rahul. You took so much pain for me."

Rahul - "If you will cry, I will not let you eat this tasty panipuri prepared by a master chef."

Anjali started giggling and both of them enjoyed eating the panipuri.


So, how is it?

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