Chapter 3

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"North Carolina?" I nod and she is speechless.

"I-I don't know what to say...North Carolina? I mean, I'm happy, because I love experiencing new things. But I love California, how it's always warm, how we can walk down the street and be at the beach, always longboarding....I don't know what I'll do without it." she looks down.

"My mom and dad promised we would visit California every Summer." She smiles.

"That's good. I don't know what I would do if I wouldn't ever be back here." I nod and smile.

"We can visit on Spring Break and Winter Break and stuff like that."  she smiles and claps her hands.

"Now I kind of want to move to North Carolina. New place, new house, new friends, new boys. Wait- boys? What am I going to tell Lane?" I think for a minute.

"I may sound like a bitch, but I think you should dump him." she sighs and I see her about to cry. "Dump him?" I nod and tell her how it's for the best and it would make everything so much easier. She nods and decides she will.

"I'm going to Face Time him on my phone. Now shush. Don't say anything to let him know you're here." I nod as she turns around and Face Times him.

"Hey Lane."

"Hey Marley, how are you babe?"

"I'm alright. How are you?"

"I'm great, but I'm even better now that I get to talk to you." She laughs a little

"Hehe, thank you. I needed to talk to you about something."


"Well, I got expelled from school today." I heard a silence between the both of them.

"You got expelled?" she nods.

"And there's more."

"There's more? What can be worse then that?"

"I am moving to North Carolina." I heard a gasp.

"You're moving? To North Carolina? How are going to see each other, or talk to each other or..."

"That's just the thing....I feel like we should....break up...." Nothing but silence stood upon them for about 5 minutes.

"I don't want to break up. Even if you do move to North Carolina....I don't want to lose you lose everything we've done, all our memories....all of the stuff we have shared..." Marley's face goes red as she remembers I'm sitting right here. The things they have shared? What's that mean? I almost say something until I realize I'm supposed to stay quiet.

"I'm sorry Lane. I really am. But I am going to be across the country, and there's no way of being together." Before he can say anything else, she hangs up and bites her bottom lip as tears roll down her cheeks.

"Marley I...I am so...." she puts her hand up and wipes her face and sighs.

"It had to happen sometime. It was going to be either today or....some other time. And we might as well get it over with, so..." She forces a smile.

"Well, I have to get to packing. A big day tomorrow..." She forces a laugh and I smile.

"Are you going to be ok?" She nods and smiles.

"I'll see you tomorrow Lauren." I nod and we say our goodbyes. I have been packing for about an hour until my cousin, my partner in crime, my best friend, Hannah Lacey walks in the room and we hug.

"Hey Lo. I've brought news for you." I sigh as we break our hug. I sigh and look down.

"Well, I hope it's better than all the other news I've heard in the past like....6 hours." she smiles.

"Is moving to North Carolina with you and Paige good enough?" My eyes go big and I jump into her arms.

:"Hannah that's better than great! I can't believe you are! I loathe the idea of being in North Carolina without you." she nods and puts me down.

"I'm already done packing and everything. I came here to help you. The moving truck is coming in an hour." I nod and finish putting my clothes in my 4th box of clothing and shoes. She helps me pack all my souvenirs from my past vacations and birthday and Christmas gifts. I pick up the picture I was hoping I wouldn't see. A picture of my ex-boyfriend and I, Aidan, in Tennessee.

"Aww, that's a cute picture." I slap her and look down at his adorable smiling face. I remember us taking this picture. Marley and Lane were there too, but they took the picture. We were at a restaurant, and it was our one year anniversary. We got drunk that night, I remember. Aidan and I almost ended up doing some things we shouldn't have been doing. I realized I was drunk and I stopped myself from doing what I was going to do. It was last Summer, and it was such a fun night. I smile at the thought of the picture and I go to put it in my box and stop myself. I decide I should give it to Aidan, because I begged him to let me keep the picture. I tell Hannah I'm going to be right back and she says she will finish 2 boxes. I jump on my longboard and ride down the street. It takes 10 minutes to get to his house, but it's a short 10 minutes. I'm going to miss longboarding everyday. I stop in front of his house and sigh. I walk up to his front porch and knock on the door. His mom answers the door with a smile on her face.

"Lauren! I wasn't expecting to see you! Did Aidan invite you?" I shake my head.

"No, I just needed to talk to him really quick. Is he home?" she nods and calls for him. He approaches the door and stops.

"Lauren?" I smile and wave.

"Hey. Can I talk to you?" He nods and tells me to come in.

"Maybe we should go in my room." I nod as we walk upstairs to his room. He closes the door and I smile.

"I wanted to tell you that I would be moving to North Carolina this weekend." He sits for a minute, confused, yet...a hint of hurt in his eyes?

"Oh." I nod and think for a minute of what to say.

"Lauren, you should know, I never have loved anyone the way I loved you." I feel face go red.

"Loved?" I can't stop myself from asking the question.

"Well, love."  I feel tears run down my face.

"I wanted to give you this." I show him the picture of us at the restaurant. He just looks at it with warm eyes.

"I remember that night. We just got drunk, disturbed the peace. I let anything happen. I didn't care, I...I just wanted..." he realizes he's saying this all to me. I can't stop myself and I run over and embrace him into a hug. He lets go and kisses my lips. Starting out slowly, but then I find myself letting his tounge in my mouth. I feel myself grabbing onto his hair and he starts kissing down my neck.  I start to moan then I realize what I'm doing.

"Aidan...." I say moaning and he continues doing what he was doing. I smile with delight and he kisses my lips again. He stops and his face is red. I'm pretty sure mine is too.

"I'm uh...sorry." I find myself smiling.

"It's fine, I kind of enjoyed it." He is bright red and his hand is running through his hair. I tell him I have to go. We stand and before he opens the door, he kisses me again. I let him, and his tounge dances in my mouth and I feel a smile on his lips. We stop and we walk downstairs. I hug him goodbye and I go outside to go on my longboard. As I ride home, I find myself smiling at what just happened.

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