Shards [PattonXReader]

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TW // Blood 

[Your POV]

I grab my luggage and walk out of the house once and for all. I still can't believe that my parents threw me out because I came out to them. Tears stain my cheeks as I pull my phone out of my pocket and go through my contacts.

"Connor, Eliza, Evan, JD, Peggy.... Thomas!" I tap Thomas' contact and bring my phone to my ear. After it rings a few times Thomas picks up.

"Hey (Y/N). What's up?"

"Hey Thomas. Can I come over? I have a huge problem." I ask with a few voice cracks here and there.

"Oh, yeah of course!" Thomas says worried.

"Okay, I'll be there in 5. See ya." With that I hang up and continue my way until I arrive at Thomas' house.

Thomas opens his door and hugs me wordless while I cry on his shoulders. I calm down after a few minutes, and we sit in the living room. "What happened (Y/N)?" Thomas asks.

"Well, I kind of, maybe, accidentally came out to my parents, and they threw me out."

"Oh no that's awful. I'm so sorry (Y/N)." Thomas says and hugs me once again.

"It's fine... kinda. I was wondering if I could live here? Just until I found a place of my own!" I ask nervously.

"Yeah of course! You can have the guest room upstairs."

"Thank you so, so much Thomas."

"No problem." Thomas smiles at me and stands up. "I'm gonna make some coffee, do you want some too?"

"Sure. I'm just gonna bring my luggage upstairs." Thomas nods and goes to the kitchen, while I take my luggage and go upstairs, bringing it into the guest room.

I leave the room and close the door behind me, when someone tackles me in a hug. "(Y/N)!"
I giggle and hug the happy man back. "Hey, Patton."

"What are you doing here?" Patton asks.

"My parents threw me out, and now I'm here." I shrug.

"Oh no, that's sad, but you're here. Now you can be happy again." Patton grins.

"Sure." I giggle and pat Patton's head.

"Did you just Pat-on my head?"

"Did you just make a self-referential pun?" Logan, who stands in the doorway to his room, asks and groans.

"You guys are ridiculous." I laugh while walking downstairs.

~ Later that evening ~

Thomas and I decided to watch a horror movie. Bad idea - I hate horror movies. Patton, Logan, and Roman joined us, and now we're watching 'child's play'.

We were at the most intense part of the movie, when suddenly -
"BOO!" Virgil appeared behind us, scaring me and making me hide in Patton's chest. Everyone laughs as I remove my tomato-red face from Patton.
"You're an idiot Virgil," I mutter and everyone laughs even louder.

~ A few days later ~

(Y/N): Hey Dad, did you and
mom calm down and forgive me
for something, I can't change about myself?

Dad: Please never contact us again. 

After this text from my dad I kinda had a mental breakdown. They are my parents after all.

"Hey (Y/N)? Are you okay?" Patton opens the door and walks over to my bed. I shake my head, and he wraps me in a warm hug while rubbing my back soothingly.

I calm down and slowly drift off to sleep.

~ That night ~

It's around 1 am as I make my way downstairs. I just woke up and decided to bake a cake for Thomas and his sides. Kind of as a 'thank you' for keeping up with my emotions.

When I enter the kitchen I see the mess that the boys left behind after making dinner. I smile and start to clean up.
I throw the excess food in the bin and rinse of the plates. Opening the dishwasher, I grab the pile of plates, turn around and, oh clumsy me, fall over the dishwasher door, crashing to the floor and breaking the plates, cutting my hands on the shards a few times.
I quickly get up, tears rolling down my face, and collect some shards, cutting me even more, to the point where blood runs down my hands and drips on the floor.

"What's going on down he- (Y/N)!" Patton runs over to me and carefully takes the shards away from me, throwing them in the bin. He helps me up and sits me on the kitchen counter. After that he damps some kitchen paper and cleans my hands off the blood. "What happened?" He asks.

"I tripped over the dishwasher door and dropped the plates." I choke out, my open wounds still burning.

Patton wraps my hands in tissues and then in bandages. "And now, don't cry anymore." He says and wipes away my tears with his thumb. He lets his hand linger on my cheek for a couple more seconds and then turns around, takes the broom and throws away the shards that are still on the floor.

"Hey Patton?" Patton looks at me after throwing away the last few shards. "Thank you."

"(Y/N), you don't need to thank me. It's obvious that I help someone who's bleeding."

"No, I mean thank you in general. Thank you for caring about me, thank you for making me smile, thank you for always being there, just... Thank you for being you."

Patton wraps me in another tight hug. As we pull away, he's still so close to me. I close the gap and kiss him. He, surprisingly, kisses back.

"You're welcome," Patton says and kisses me again.

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