Vidcon (Part 1) [ThomasXreader]

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A/N: There's not a lot of romance going on in this and Thomas isn't mentioned a lot either, but I had to make this one a 2-parter because it was way too long for just 1 chapter :)

[Your POV]

I grab my bag and leave my hotel room, excited for the first day of Vidcon. Walking down the hallway I take out my phone and check my to-do list.


9 am - Meet & Greet2 pm - Solo show3 pm - Collab /w Colleen & Lily5 pm - Collab /w Mark, Jack, Dan, Phil & Felix7 pm - Panel "Slumber party"------------------------------------------------------

I put my headphones on and put on a musical mix on Spotify and make my way to the Convention Center and walk into the "creator entrance" on the side.

Entering the big hall that is filled with booths, I take out my phone and turn off the music. Then I take off the headphones and try to put them in my bag while walking. Not looking where I walk, I run into someone and stumble to the floor.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!" the person I ran into says and helps me up.

I dust off my clothes. "Oh no, it's my fault I should really look when-" I looked at the person and don't trust my eyes when I see Thomas freaking Sanders right in front of me. "-re I'm going..." I finish my sentence (probably weirdly) slow.

Thomas has a slight red color creeping up his face. "Are you alright Thomas?"

"Uh... Yes. You're (Y/N), right?"

"Y-yes." Suddenly I'm very self-conscious because Thomas freaking Sanders knows who I am and is standing right in front of me!

"Can I have an autograph? I'm a giant fan." Thomas asks and takes out a notebook and pen.

I'm kinda taking aback by his question but quickly catch myself. "Yes of course, but only if I can get one from you?" I take out my notebook and pen and give them to him while taking his and quickly signing on the opened page.

When we're both done we switched back our notebooks. Just then my alarm goes off. "Oh sorry, I have to get going. Maybe we can talk later?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure," Thomas says and smiles at me as I walk away.

I quickly walk into the back of my booth and open my notebook. There it is, Thomas Sanders autograph... I let my eyes wander on the page and spot something else: A telephone number and "Call me?"

I could scream, but the security people outside would probably think someone's killing me right now, so I choose to silently jump around and fangirl until I decide to get ready.

It's 9 am. I know that because my alarm is going off and there are lots of people screaming my name outside. I take a deep breath and go outside.

"Hey, guys! How are you today?" I'm welcomed by screams and tears (of joy, I hope)

At 1 pm to meet & Greet was over. I met so many amazing people, got so many awesome gifts and drawings, and overall had a wonderful time. I even met the cutest five-year-old girl! She was wearing a crown and fairy wings and told me that "I was the only one who can make her a real fairy princess"! It was so cute!

Okay, I have 10 minutes to get to the main stage for the soundcheck. I grab my bag and rush through the "creators only" hallways.
Making it to the stage right on time.

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