Bully [VirgilXreader]

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TW // Violence


[Narrator's POV]

Virgil and his friends stand in front of the lockers when the school door swings open and the three most popular girls walk inside - Heather, Victoria, and (Y/N).

Everyone goes out of the way and lets them pass through as a few other students join them and the popular people pass through.

"You know, that's just like in 'Heathers'." Thomas, one of Virgil's best friends, whispers and gets a "shh!" from the other 4.

"Well, who do we have here?" Heather and the group stopped in front of Virgil. "It's Virgin and his stupid friends."

"Please leave us alone," Virgil says and moves his eyes to the floor.

"Absolutely not, idiot," Kurt says and pushes Virgil against the lockers.

"Stop it, Kurt! We don't have time for this shit." (Y/N) pulls her friend back by his backpack and the group leaves towards their classroom.



With that Virgil runs as fast as he can down the hall, looking for a teacher to save him. Behind him runs an angry Brian, whose "super expensive leather jacket" is covered in mashed potatoes because Virgil accidentally walked into him.

The fast football player easily catches up with the 'My chemical romance'-fanboy and drags him back into the cafeteria where the popular people are waiting.
Brian pushes Virgil onto the chair in front of them and holds him down.

"Come on (Y/N), do it."

The girl bends down, so she's on eye level with the boy in distress and dumps a bowl of gravy on his head.


Virgil leaves the school and is met with the people he hates most on this planet - again.

"Now the teachers can't save you." Victoria smirks and Sam and Kyle hold his arms while Alex punches him in the stomach.

"Sorry guys, I need to go." (Y/N) says and walks away from the group while tears start to rush down Virgil's face.


Virgil opens the door to his room, throws his backpack into the corner, and is face to face with a familiar person.

"What are you doing here (Y/N)?" He asks and turns away. The girl places her hand on Virgil's shoulder and turns him back to face her before hugging him tightly. He flinches from the pain in his stomach.

"I'm sorry Virgil." (Y/N) says and tears well up in her eyes. "I should stop them from hurting you, not help them."

"Whatever." Virgil pushes the girl to the side and sits on his chair before placing his homework on his desk in front of him.

(Y/N) places her hands on his shoulders and starts to kiss his neck. "Stop it (Y/N)."

"Virgil, please, forgive me. I am truly sorry. I love you." She says in between kisses. Suddenly Virgil turns around.

"You're sorry? Then leave these people or at least tell them about us or... I will leave you."

"V-Virgil, I... You can't just leave people like these... They... They'll kill me..." (Y/N) stutters.

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