Panic [VirgilXreader]

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TW // Panic attack

A/N: I thought about doing a "Panic" chapter for every side  (and Thomas). They wouldn't come right after each other, but every once in a while one of them.  What do you guys think? :3


[Your POV]

"You made Patton cry! What is wrong with you!?" Roman yells at me.

"I didn't mean to!" I say crying. My knees are pulled to my chest, my heart is racing, and I'm shaking.

Last night we were watching a horror movie and Roman, Logan and Patton were really scared, so I decided to play a little prank on them.
I tied strings to the chairs to make them move without touching them and stuff like that. - Everything was pretty harmless.

For the big finale, I decided to put on a mask and scare them when they least expected it. They were already very tense from the little pranks I pulled on them over the day, so when I screamed "boo!" behind them, Patton started crying, and he hasn't stopped for 20 minutes.

Logan and Patton are in Patton's room, Thomas is out with friends and I haven't seen Virgil in two days, so it's just me and a screaming Roman in the living room.

There is black eyeshadow under Roman's eyes, and he doesn't stop yelling at me.

"Can't you see that you annoy everybody here!? No one enjoys your presence! You are useless!!"

My heart starts to beat even faster and the world around me starts to spin. The sounds around my and Roman's voice sound dull and my vision gets blurry.

"I didn't mean to make him cry! I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to!"

[Virgil's POV]

I wake up and take a second, so my eyes could adjust to the dark, then I look at the girl next to me.

She is shaking, sweating, and crying. I sit up and place my hand on her shoulders, shaking her carefully I say: "Babe, wake up!" over and over again until she opens her eyes.

"It was just a dream (Y/N)," I say, move closer to her and put my arm around her waist.

"Virgil..." She mutters, her face against my chest, "I was so scared."

"No need to be scared. I'm here to protect you, I'll always be." I say, and we fall asleep in each other's arms.


A/N: It's a bit shorter, but I really like it and I hope you do too ^-^

I just wanted to say thank you for freaking 1.5 K views! That is so, so amazing ❤

Peace out!
~ Azura011

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