Cake [PattonXmale!reader]

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~ requested ~

[Your POV]

Patton and I are sitting in our bed. Patton is reading a book about dogs while I am scrolling through Instagram.

I let out a long sigh. "Patton, I'm booooooored!"

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know," I say and sigh dramatically. Looking at Patton, I pull him closer and connect our lips. We kiss for a few minutes when I pull away. "Let's bake a cake." I smile.

"A cake?" Patton repeats amused. "It's 2 am."

"Oh come on! It's gonna be fun! Besides, we're alone, so it's not like we'll bother anyone." I get up and pull Patton behind me to the kitchen.

We decided on making a chocolate cake and while my boyfriend googles a recipe, I start to gather all the things we'll need.

A few minutes later I successfully collected everything we need. Eggs, sugar, flour, milk, cocoa powder, butter, and other stuff is lined up in front of us with a mixing bowl, an electric mixer, a knife, and a few table- and teaspoons.

"2 cups all-purpose flour." Patton reads. I take the cup, he picks up the flour.

"Okay, be careful," I advise my clumsy boyfriend.

"Careful is my middle name!" He says and misses the cup with the flour completely.

"Patton.." I sigh laughing.

"Hey stop laughing! I was distracted by your handsome face!" Patton takes some flour in his hand and throws it at me.

"Hey!" I yell and throw some at him.

"Oh no, you didn't!" Patton gasps and I try to get the flour out of my clothes.

The silly man uses my moment of negligence to crack an egg above me and within seconds it's all over my face. "Patton!" I screech and he bends over from laughing.
"Can we just bake the cake?" I ask and Patton straightens up.

"Are you... Are you mad at me?" He asks worried and I shake my head chuckling.

"Of course not." I take his hand and pull him towards me. A few millimeters are left between our faces and Patton's eyes are closed, when instead of kissing him, I throw cocoa powder in his face. "Love you!"

Patton chuckles and we finally bake the cake.


[Patton's POV]

1 hour later our chocolate cake is all done and cooled. We grab ourselves plates, forks, and [favorite hot beverage] and sit down in the living room while watching  [favorite TV show/movie].

"Feed me." (Y/N) says and smiles. I put a piece of cake on my fork and move it towards his open mouth while making plane sounds. Shortly before the cake reaches his mouth, I eat the cake myself.

"Oh.." (Y/N) says with mock disappointment. "You like cake that much?" He raises an eyebrow at me. Before I know what happens, my boyfriend smeared chocolate cake all over my face.

"You're starting that again?" Patton smirks. A few minutes later we both have a lot of chocolate on our faces.

(Y/N) and I lay next to each other taking. Every now and then I kiss his cheek or lips and whisper sweet nothings in his ear.

"What happened here?" A voice suddenly says and we both jump up. Thomas and the others are back and are now standing right in front of us, looking wide-eyed at our chocolate-covered faces. "Actually... I don't even want to know." They all turn their backs on us and walk upstairs.

"We made chocolate cake!" (Y/N) called after them and we both burst out laughing.

When we calmed down my boyfriend speaks up. "Well.. I'm gonna go wash my face and then off to sleep." (Y/N) licks some chocolate off my cheek and jumps up. "Good night!"

"Did... Did you just lick my face?" I get up and run after a laughing (Y/N) upstairs.


A/N: This one-shot was requested by blargamuffinze ! I hope you liked it :D

See you next time guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
Peace out!

~ Azura011

[Originally published November 11th, 2017]

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