Experiments [RomanXreader]

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~ requested ~

[Your POV]

"(Y/N)?" Logan calls me from his room across the hallway. "Can you come here for a second?"

I get up and walk to the open door of the smart man's room. "What's up?" I ask and lean against the door frame.

"Close the door please," Logan says, not looking up from his computer.

"Alright...?" I close the door and sit on his bed. A few seconds later Logan sits next to me.

"I need your help." He says and I raise an eyebrow. "I want to make an experiment about emotions. I got most of them, but 'love' is missing. So I need the help of Roman and you. Seeing that you two are 'a thing', it should work perfectly. Will you help?"

"Depends... What do I have to do?"

"You know how we live in Thomas' head most of the time?" Logan asks and I nod. "A while back Roman created the 'dream world' in Thomas's mind. A place where rules don't exist and anything can happen. Dragons, flying, and other magical things that I don't really like. The thing I want to test is how far someone would go for their loved one. That's where you come in. I'm gonna lock you into a tower in the dream world, and we'll tell Roman that you got kidnapped, then we'll conjure some enemies and make Roman save you."

"Let me get this right: You want to risk my boyfriend's life by making him fight magical creatures, just so you can finish your experiment?"

"Well, we're technically not risking his life. It's a dream world, so he can't die." Logan says. Still seeing my unconvinced look, he sighs. "Please (Y/N)! I'm so close to discovering something possibly amazing!"

"Alright fine."

~ 2 days later ~

"And you're sure that Roman won't get hurt?" I ask again and Logan nods.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine." With that Logan locks the door to the tower and disappears.

[Roman's POV]

I'm in the dream world, patting a unicorn, when -

"Roman! Roman!" Patton runs towards me, panic written across his face.

"Patton? What happened?"

"It's (Y/N)! I was showing them around the dream world when someone took them and brought them to the highest tower!" I don't waste a second and pull out my sword, running to the tower Patton was talking about.

On my way to the tower, I encounter countless evil creatures. Some are small, others are big. Some are crawling, others are flying. No matter what they are, I easily defeat them, because my fear that something could happen to (Y/N) and my will to save them is giving me great power.


"Roman! Help me!" I look up and see my loved (Y/N) inside the tower. Running up the stairs I slay the creatures that are waiting for me on the steps until I arrive at the jail door that is keeping (Y/N) away from me.

They're looking through the little window in the door and see me arrive.

"Roman! You made it!" They exclaim happily. Suddenly their eyes shift away and worry spreads across their face. "Turn around!" (Y/N) says, but before I can do so, something digs into my shoulder and I get really dizzy. I stumble and fall over the railing.

[Your POV]

"Roman!!!" I scream as I see my boyfriend fall and tears well up in my eyes. I frantically try to open the door but to no avail. Then I look at the thing that made him fall. It's like a bee, but gigantic and completely black - It's terrifying.

I take a few steps back as the giant black bee flies against the door, leaving a few dents. Then the bee smashes against the door again and again. After the fifth time, the door has holes and is about to break.

"HELP!!" I yell. "PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Tears blur my vision and I take a few more steps back, bumping against the tower wall.

With one last smash, the door breaks completely and the bee flies into the tower.

"LOGAN! MAKE IT STOP!" I scream as the bee flies towards me.

The flying creature is a few meters away from me when I run around it, heading for the door. I run outside and sprint down the stairs, the bee behind me, its buzzing filling my ears. Reaching the bottom of the tower I see Logan with a notebook in his hands, staring towards me. He looks like one of those insane professors that you see in movies.

"Logan! Help me!" I yell, but he doesn't answer or even move. His eyes still on me and the giant bee.

I run as fast as I can when I see a forest. Hoping to lose the bee in there, I run inside.

I run and run and run, but the bee is still right behind me and I have a hard time breathing at this point and black dots start to cover my vision. "Somebody help me! Please!" I cry out.

Suddenly someone jumps in front of me. Someone in white with a long sword in hand. "Roman!" I yell and run behind him. I turn around just in time to see the bee fly into the sword before it disappears.

I bend over and catch my breath, the black dots disappearing slowly.

"A-are you okay?" Roman asks and I nod after I straighten up.

"Thanks for saving me," I say and hug my prince.

"Everything for you my love." He says. Our cute moment is interrupted when Logan makes his way towards us.

"Oh, I'm glad you two are okay." He says.

"Logan? What the hell was that? Why didn't you help me?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, but it was all part of the test. Roman had to be the one saving you or all would have been for nothing." Logan explains.

"Test? What test?" Roman asks confused.

"A test for my experiment about emotions. You two don't know it, but I've been following your every step and recording all of your emotions. When you're happy, sad, angry... And I'm very proud to tell you my results: You can cheer each other up when you're sad, you can make each other very happy, and you can't be mad at each other for a long time and last but not least: You will do anything for the other, even if it endangers your own life. Basically: You two are the perfect couple."

I look at Logan in disbelief.

"That's what this was about? Proving that we are a perfect couple? That's stupid." Roman says and I nod.

"Yeah, Logan. We could've told you that from the start." I say.

"Come on (Y/N), let's pet some unicorns." Roman takes my hand, and together we start to walk away from the 'scientist'.

"B-but science!" He calls after us and I turn around.

"Logan, you don't need science to know that you love someone very, very much. Your heart knows and that's all that matters."


A/N: This story was requested by Maddyiepie. I'm sorry that it took so long, but I didn't know how to write this one-shot at all, but now I did, and I hope you like it! :)

Furthermore, I would like to thank you all for 32.3K reads and 1.21k votes, that is absolutely incredible!! ♡

That is all for now.

Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out!

~ Azura011

[Originally published: January 17th, 2018]

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