Costume [LoganXreader]

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[Your POV]

I put on the black eyeliner to complete my Shego Halloween costume for Thomas's new video.

I walk downstairs where Thomas sets up the camera in his Jack Skellington costume. 

"The sides said they're ready." He says, and we position ourselves in front of the camera. "On 3. One... Two..."

"What is up everybody!?" We say in unison.

"Today is Halloween one of my favorite holidays because..."

"'s so dark and creepy." Virgil chimes in. He has a super cool skeleton face painting.

"No, because everyone is wearing beautiful costumes!" Roman says after popping up, looking like Prince Charming from Cinderella.

"My guess is that he likes it because of all the candy!" Patton rose up in a hamster costume.

"I believe it's because the history of Halloween is quite fascinating," Logan says, disappointingly without a costume.

"Question: Why is Patton wearing a hamster costume and why isn't Logan wearing a costume?" Roman speaks up.

"I'm not Patton, I'm PETton." Patton answers, and we all groan and/or facepalm in unison while Patton giggles.

"Simple. I like the history of Halloween, but very much dislike the dress-up aspect of it." Logan explains.

"Oh come on Logan, it's fun," I say, and he doesn't even look at me before saying:

"Okay fine, I'll do it." He sinks down and comes back up in an 11th doctor costume.

"Okay back to the topic," Thomas says. "I meant to say: I like Halloween because of Halloween parties! All your friends dressing up and getting together..."

"... And embarrassing yourself for the costume you chose. Don't kid yourself, Thomas, we both know that Halloween parties are awful." Virgil interrupts.

"I agree. Costume parties or any kind of party are a waste of time." Logan says.

"You're so boring Logan!" I say, Patton and Roman nod in agreement and for the first time today, Logan looks at me. Not going to lie, I kinda chose this costume to get his attention.
His eyes go wide for a millisecond and a hint of red creeps up his neck. Logan gulps, clears his throat, and says:

"I am not 'boring', I just think that someone can use the time that they spend on parties more productive."

"That sounds like an excuse that a boring person would use." I tease him and stick my tongue out.

"I am not boring!" Logan says louder, startling us. "I'm sorry." He fixes his bow tie. "Carry on Thomas."

~ 10 minutes later ~

"No matter what costume you choose, make sure that you like it, and you feel good in it. Any finishing statements from any of you" Thomas says and looks around.

"I love candy!" Patton exclaims.

"I look really good in this prince charming costume," Roman says and smirks.

"I think all of this is stupid," Virgil mutters and snaps, taking off his face paint.

"I am not boring!" Logan says.

"Yes, you are." I continue teasing him.

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"I can be quite adventurous."

"Oh yeah? Prove it." I say lean back a bit and cross my arms in front of my chest.

What happened next was kind of crazy. Logan takes my hand, pulls me towards him, and presses his lips on mine. I instantly kissed back and heard someone squeal from across the room. A few seconds later we break apart.

"Was that adventurous enough?" Logan asks.

"It was a start," I say and wink. That's when I notice that the others are staring at us.

"That was so cute!" Patton says, breaking the silence.

"That was..." Roman starts.
"... Surprising." Virgil finishes.

"Can we just... do the outro?" Thomas asks and points at the camera that just filmed Logan and my kiss. I feel my face getting hot and know that I'm blushing,  which is luckily hidden by the white makeup I am wearing.

"Yeah sure." I position myself next to Thomas before we both say his outro in unison.

"Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out!"

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