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"I'm back bishes!" Hobi yelled as Yoongi pushed his wheelchair into the dorm. "Who missed me?"

Namjoon looked up from the couch, where he had been watching a movie. "Oh, you guys are back."

Hobi pulled a face. "So cold, great leader!"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," Namjoon said, getting up with a smile. "What's with the new wheels, though? You rob the hospital?"

"He had surgery on his leg," Yoongi said, wanting to explain everything clearly and quickly so he could get to sleep. "He can't put any pressure on it or it might not heal or heal incorrectly. Tell the others not to play around with him because they could mess it up. He has an appointment in a week. I'm going to sleep."

"Bring me with!" Hobi said, as they shared a room.

"You can wheel yourself," Yoongi muttered even as he went over to obligingly push Hobi.

But then once they were in the room, there was a new problem.

"How am I supposed to get into bed without putting pressure on my leg?" Hobi asked, tilting his head. "I know! I can do a front flip and-"

Yoongi cut off his ridiculous idea by just picking Hobi up and carefully setting him down. "Now you just can't move."

"But what if I have to pee?!" Hobi cried out.

"Hold it." Yoongi fell face down into his own bed and went to sleep immediately.


"I know, right?! I'm super cool!" Hobi shouted, wheeling himself around the kitchen while the dongsaengs stared at him in awe. "You all be jealous!"

Taehyung pursed his lips. "No fair."

Namjoon tapped his fist on Taehyung's head. "Do you want to be the one stuck in a wheelchair? You'd have to piss standing on one leg."

Taehyung cracked up and Hobi glared at Namjoon.

"Stop cramping my style Namjoon!"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up," Yoongi muttered, walking into the kitchen with a death glare on his face. "First I'm kept up all night by this idiot, and then I'm woken up not five hours later because of him."

"But you do it cause you love me!" Hobi said, putting Yoongi in a weak headlock.

"You think I even like you in this moment? Try letting go of me and see what happens," Yoongi said.

"Aish! So cold!" Hobi complained before letting go of Yoongi and grinning. "Thanks, Yoongi, for staying with me."

Yoongi just rolled his eyes. "Someone had to. Jin was too busy crying about his face, and Namjoon had his hands full with the younger ones."

Jin looked up, offended. "I was upset for good reason! My face is what sells our albums!"

"No, it's my music," Yoongi interrupted.

"My abs," Jimin commented without looking up.

"My smile," Taehyung added, smiling for effect.

"My voice," Namjoon said, crossing his arms.

"I'm the golden maknae," Jungkook reminded everyone.

"What about me?!" Hobi asked, slapping his cheeks. "What do I have?"

"You're good at dancing. You've got a nice smile. Great laugh. Good attitude. That sort of thing. It's like...your vibe," Yoongi summarized. "You've got the vibe."

"Vibe," Hobi repeated, smiling. "Yoongi said I got vibe!"

Yoongi just shook his head. "Why do I give him compliments."

Namjoon laughed. "Oh, yeah. The manager said that we can take the day off since, well, you know."

"No practice!" Jungkook said, grinning.

"Are they going to release anything about the crash to the media?" Yoongi asked Namjoon, who frowned.

"They're trying to decide. On one hand, it might make people sympathetic. Like a publicity stunt. Only this wasn't planned and we actually got hurt. But the producer is worried that the ARMYs will be unhappy...and if the other guy's name gets released, he could get a ton of bad press for it even if it was an accident..."

"Was it an accident?" Yoongi mused aloud.

"You mean did he make an honest mistake as compared to being a bad driver?"

Yoongi nodded.

Namjoon just shrugged. "I don't know. The producer dealt with him, not me. All I know is that he wasn't seriously injured."

"He better hope Hobi is fine," Yoongi said, glaring at the wall.

"Or what? You're going to go find him and fight him?" Namjoon asked, his lips quirking upward.

"My knight in shining armor," Hobi said in falsetto.

"Shut up."

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