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Yoongi came back to the dorms in a weird mood. He was angry, but at the same time, he couldn't tell the other members about what he knew. He wanted to punch some faces in, but he wasn't allowed to even contact EXO. He was sad, but he didn't want to make Hobi feel worse.

Hobi was on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and asleep. Tae looked up as Yoongi  entered. "Hey," he said, then winced. "Hey," he whispered, glancing over at Hobi to see if he'd waken up. He hadn't.

"Hey," Yoongi said, stopping where he stood.

"Where'd you go?" Tae asked, sitting up so the top half of his body dangled over the couch.


Tae was quiet for a second. "Did you find out who did this to Hobi?"

Little brat ain't as stupid as he looks. "Yeah."

Tae's eyes widened. "Well? Who is it? Tell me!"

Yoongi shook his head. "I can't. I've sworn to secrecy."

"No fair!"

Hobi clamped his hands over his ears. "Taeeee," he moaned. "Be quiet."

"I'm sorry Hobi. You're the literal sunshine. You're the best human being in the world. You're my favorite hyung."

"Okay," Hobi accepted, smiling. Then he saw Yoongi staring at him. "Yoongi? What's wrong?"

Yoongi looked away. "Nothing."

"Yoongi knows who hit us in the car accident but he won't tell!" Tae instinctively said before realizing it was probably a bad decision and looking at Hobi, worried.

Hobi just hesitated before grinning. "That's okay. What's done is done. A name won't change anything. And I mean, one of us could have gotten seriously hurt or killed. We just have to be grateful, you know?"

Tae grinned back before punching Hobi lightly on the arm. "You idiot. You're too nice."

"Ow ow ow!" Hobi said, fake-crying. "Hyung!! Taetae is beating me up!! It hurtsu!"

Yoongi just rolled his eyes and let the two wrestle it out as he turned and went into his room. He needed a good sleep, and he wouldn't get it with those two idiots.



Hobi rolled off the couch and onto the floor.

"Ohmygoshimsorryareyouokay?!" Tae asked all in one breath, immediately stopping the game.

"I'm fine!!" Hobi protested, but the moment of fun was over. Tae looked nervous, and Hobi knew it was because he was worried about him.

Hobi sat up and got back on the couch. "Taetae, I'm fine! Really!"

Tae pouted. "Nuh uh."

"Yeah huh!"

Tae made a boxy scowl. "You could get hurt and then Namjoon and Jin and Yoongi would get mad at me!"

Hobi rolled his eyes. "They'll get mad at you for something else anyway."

"True that..." But then Tae shook his head. "Still, I don't want you to hurt your leg."

"But it's already hurt? It's not like you can make it worse?" Hobi said before smiling and patting Tae on the head. "I'm not so fragile that we can't play."

"I know but we're all worried about you," Tae said, frowning. "And what people are saying online-"

"I know, I know, it doesn't matter," Hobi finished before he grinned. "But apparently there's a lot of people who want me to be a couple with Yoongi." He laughed, shaking his head, and Taehyung couldn't help but join in.

The two ended up playing video games, and because Tae was younger, and uninjured, and just because Tae was Tae, he let Hobi win every time.

Hobi, of course, trash talked the whole game every game.


"I'm going to see them tonight," Yoongi said, having just woken up from his nap. "The people who hurt Hobi."

Namjoon frowned. "Is that wise?"

Jin looked over at Namjoon, worried, before looking back at Yoongi. "Did the producer give you permission?"

Yoongi looked at him blankly. "Nope. He told me not to, I'm pretty sure."

Namjoon hesitated. "Then I'm coming with."

"Me too," Jin added.

Yoongi nodded. "I thought you'd say that."

who from exo should be responsible for hobi's injury? is he sorry or not?
let me know what you think

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