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"Jin, could you please get me a glass of water? I'm getting thirsty," Hobi said.

Jin immediately got up to fulfill Hobi's request. That had been the pattern of the day: Hobi finding some necessity and pawning off the job on someone else. Usually, it ended up being Jin since he was the mom of the group, but Hobi had also enslaved Namjoon and Yoongi. Jimin would bring him something before he even asked or would do what Hobi asked and smile so sweetly at him that Hobi felt guilty and stopped bugging him. Tae and Jungkook were playing video games, but Tae would stop in every once and a while and make a silly face that left Hobi laughing even after Tae was gone.

Jungkook tried to avoid being suckered in, smart maknae that he was.

Jin brought back the water and handed it to Hobi, who smiled and thanked him before pausing and smiling at Yoongi. "Yoongi, can you pretty please get me a straw?"

Yoongi glared at him. "No."

"But Yoongi the straws are in the highest cabinet and I can't reach," Hobi said, pouting.


Hobi puffed out his cheeks before putting the water on the table and rolling his wheelchair over to the cabinet.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked despite not wanting to care.

"Nothing that concerns you," Hobi said before reached for the cabinet. When he came up two feet short, he started squirming to get his good foot on the seat of the wheelchair and attempted to balance and reached for the straw.

Yoongi was at his side in an instant, forcefully sitting him down (while minding his bad leg) and cursing profusely while he grabbed a straw.

"Oh, Yoongi, you didn't have to do that," Hobi said sweetly, his horns showing.

Yoongi didn't stop swearing as he jammed the straw between Hobi's lips and flopped back onto the couch, muttering curses toward him.

Hobi just laughed and rolled back over, putting the straw in the glass of water. "Much better."

"Attention slut," Yoongi muttered. Hobi just stuck out his tongue.


A week passed fairly slowly. For the non-Hobi members of BTS, they were slowly being driven insane by Hobi's neediness, as he was always bothering someone for something. For Hobi, the week was slow because he couldn't participate in practice, only rap, but he was always a little off. He could tell the group was getting a bit frustrated with them, but there wasn't much he could do. He would like to be self-sufficient, but that's a problem when you can't reach half of the things you need.

But finally the day came.

"Who's taking me to my appointment?" Hobi piped up, looking around hopefully.

Namjoon stared weakly at Yoongi, who crossed his arms. Jin made up a poor excuse and hurriedly left the scene.

"Please?" Namjoon asked Yoongi, who shook his head.

"I hate driving."

"I'll let Jin stay in my and Jungkook's room tonight. Hobi can stay in his room with Jimin and V. You can get the whole room to yourself. Peace and quiet. You can sleep for hours and hours."

Even then, Yoongi needed a few seconds before nodding. "Fine." He glared at Hobi. "I'm taking you. Be ready in 15 minutes."

"Okay!" Hobi said, wheeling himself back to his room and trying to not let them see his hurt face. I know I'm a huge burden...but I can't help that, can I? Not until the doctor tells me I'm okay...he better tell me I'm okay today...


"The surgery looks to have been successful," he announced, smiling at Hobi, who lit up. "The healing has progressed rather nicely. You still need to be very careful. Don't put too much pressure on it. Don't overwork yourself. Remember that these things take time. You can't rush it." He turned back to his desk. "Let's see. You need to come in for physical therapy on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

"But what about practice-"

"The producer said you're cleared," Yoongi interrupted. "A driver will drop you off here instead, and he'll pick you up when it's over."

Hobi nodded, losing a bit of his brightness. He could feel himself slipping away from his friends.

This isn't fair. Why me? Why did I have to get injured?

But then Hobi thought more about it.

If it weren't me, it would be Joonie, or Jimin, or V or Kookie or Jin or even Yoongi. At least I don't have to watch my friends be hurt. I'd rather it be me than them.

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