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Yoongi got no further information from the producer as to who had crashed into their car, but there wasn't time to worry about it because the performance was already upon them.

They huddled backstage.

"Okay, so we're all ready for this?" Namjoon asked seriously, looking each of them in the eye except Hobi, who was looking down at the floor.

Taehyung nodded. "Yep! Protect Hobi-hyung at all costs!"

"Now you're calling me hyung?" Hobi asked, laughing weakly.

"Fine, fine, I'm going to protect Hobi-oppa," Taehyung corrected, grinning and giggling at Hobi, who had no option but to shake his head laughing.

"This brat..."

Before they got ready, Yoongi smacked Hobi's back. "Don't worry. You got this. We have you covered," he said without looking at Hobi as he stepped forward to his position in from of Hobi.

Hobi just dropped his head so it rested against Yoongi's back. "I know. You won't let me fall."

"Right. Now move your heavy skull. It's weighing me down."

Hobi smiled and lifted his head, already feeling better both because of Yoongi and the just-before-a-show adrenaline.

They went out on stage as they had rehearsed, moving as a cluster around Hobi until he was center stage, and then they fanned out in a line.

"Are you all ready for this?" Hobi said into his mic in English and smiling what the producer called a "bedroom smile."

His ears were assaulted by fangirl screams, and then they started.

Hobi's job was to move as little as possible. There was a chair in front of him as a prop that he could use, but he wasn't supposed to take a step with his bad leg. Instead, he would flip the chair around and sit on it backwards, facing the audience, or other stunts like that.

The other members frequently crossed in front of him to hide there fact that he wasn't changing position.

After a few hours, they all clustered around him again and walked out backstage.

"Great job everyone!" Namjoon said, smacking them all on the back before patting Hobi on the head.

Hobi smiled and gave a quick bow. "Thanks everyone for helping me do that..."

They all nodded and smiled. Yoongi punched him in the arm and Taehyung started making weird scowl faces.

Then they got ready to go back to the dorms.

Namjoon hesitated. "I can drive, or there's another driver who can take us..."

Hobi hesitated. They'd taken the train down there, but they'd all had to wear disguises and split up within the same car. He didn't want to burden everyone with that.

But he didn't particularly want to get back in a car, either.

"We'll take the train," Yoongi said for Hobi without looking at him. "You guys drive and meet us at home."

Namjoon nodded, relieved. "All right, we'll see you there."

"Be careful!" Jin added.

"Will do Mom," Yoongi muttered before they left. Then he waited for Hobi to put up his hood and a bandana over his mouth.

They walked to the train station, Hobi limping along slowly, Yoongi walking slowly but evenly beside him, never commenting or rushing him.

They got on the train and Yoongi sat next to him. "Be a good pillow for me," he instructed before he laid his head on Hobi's shoulder and fell asleep.

Hobi smiled, happy that he could help Yoongi in some way after all Yoongi had done for him.

They got off the train a while later and headed back to the dorm.

"Thanks for taking the train with me," Hobi said. "I-"

"Forget it," Yoongi said, yawning. "Don't worry about it. I'm going to sleep. Night."

Hobi smiled as his hyung stumbled away to his bedroom and slammed the door. Then Hobi went to his own room to find V and Jimin already asleep.

He smiled before hopping in his bed and going to sleep himself.

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