Chapter 10

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*Thana's Pov*

"Where are you going," asked Chris. Taking a bite of my sandwich I took a minute before I replied. "To kill someone." My words came out so cold with no emotion.

Walking down the street they kept following. "And where are you going," I asked with a cold tone. "With you. " Walking past me Chris smirked. Un-fucking-believable. He thought he was so tough and strong. He thought he could just waltz right over me. Let me tell you the last person who did that is now six feet under. Six feet under the ground that is, in a wooden box.

Grabbing his arm twisting it behind his back, I tripped him causing him to fall hard on his stomach. A groan left his mouth leaving a satisfied smirk on mine. "Now that we can have a nice chat I want to know something, Chris." His name came off my tongue like venom. "I'm only going to say this once, so listen. You will not walk over me thinking you're a higher authority because you're not. I can easily kill you, when or if I do I won't hesitate. We are not a pack you are not the leader. Do I make myself abundantly clear?" A grunt left his mouth in agreement. "Good, let's get going then."

I had to stop at one place before leaving. I knocked on the small metal door. Footsteps quietly walked over. Opening the door Veronica peered her head out. Signing she said, "come in." Moving to the side I stepped in. Chris, Anthony, and Tyler followed. "Who are these werewolves?" Chirs gave me a look obviously wondering how she knew. "She's a witch with a killer pick-up on things. Plus you smell like dogs." A quite murmur left his lips. "What do you need Rylee, or should I call you Thana?" "Veronica I'm sorry." My words actually going soft showing her that I was. "You should be. You shoved me into the counter. I know your intentions weren't to hurt me, but still Thana. You just have to accept it. It's apart of your life now." "What is," Chris said butting in. "Nothing." "She's mated to a vampire." "Veronica," I said glaring her. "Oops, slipped out." Pausing for a minute she continued. "What is it that you need Thana?" "I'm traveling to Kelper. I'm in need of supplies. Any that you think I would need." Nodding her head she grabbed a satchel bag. "This red stuff labeled Athum is to help you from coughing up blood. This green stuff is for the burning on your hands. The clear one is for healing wounds. The pills are to keep your head where it's at. No mind control will work on you with these bad boys," she said with a smirk. "Lately, these mineral balls are nothing to mess with. They are dangerous. Only use them for desperate measures. I doubt you will since you got your powers, but anyway they're mineral balls. It will instantly turn any living person, plants will live, but a person will erupt into ash. In order for all of you not to be affected you all have to smash it together. It reaches for a two-mile span." Putting the mineral balls in the bag she clipped it shut and handed it to me. I took all my bags off to re-organize. Strapping the satchel across my shoulder, then sliding the two straps of my bag on my arms. Last thing was my swords and the bow and quiver. Strapping them over me just like the satchel they hung over my bag. "Thank you Veronica." "You're welcome dear. I don't even wanna know why you're going to Kelper, but the nearest portal is at the old park across from the school." With that I hugged her and headed for the door. Stopping to turn around I said, "Oh and I'm going to Kelper to kill Pierce Flynn." I smirked at the sight of her face going so white. Walking out of the trailer I heard her yell, "YOU'RE FUCKING INSANE THANA!"

Insane is what I live for. Killing is what I do and death is what I am. Again the rain pelted down on me. Sticking my hands in my pockets I walked towards the old abandoned park. My shoes splashing in puddles making my face ripple in them. "Why does it rain when you come outside?" Looking up at Anthony and just stared at him for a short while. I shrugged my shoulders in response. We kept walking in silence. My pace slightly faster than theirs. Walking I let my thoughts consume me for a little while.

How was I going to find this Pierce Flynn? It's not like I could do what I usually do. He's stronger than the vampires I lure in. All the vampires on Kelper will be stronger, they're on their home planet. Here I have the advantage. They become weak here. The sun making them weaker but not by much. As my feet hit the pee rock in the park I looked up. In the middle was an accent looking arch. I remember the day that appeared. It was two days before my mom died. A girl had opened a portal her to let the vampires through. I mean they instantly killed her. I think her name was Sarah. She was a senior I think, and very popular.

Walking up to the portal I took a knife out from my pocket. Slicing my hand I let the blood flow. Raising my hand I let the blood smear across the arch as well as yelling, "Aperta!" Instantly a blue swirling film filled the archway. "Coming," I said as I walked through.

Looking around we were surrounded by trees. In front of me was a small dirt path that leads to a clearing. An arched gate leads into a small village. Pulling my backpack off my back I dug some clothes out. "Here put these on," I said handing them each a cloak. Removing my own sweatshirt I put one on. Grabbing out the handguns I handed each of them one as well as a hand knife. "These are not toys so take them seriously. The bullets are made from a rare metal called Anthideum. So are the knives. They will kill anything, as well as a vampire." Handing them a gas bomb and a mineral ball I threw the bag away. "All this is just in case we get separated. Plus the less weigh we have the faster we can move." With that, I grabbed my two sords and the bow and pulled my hood up and started for the small village. Following they did the same.

People stood and stared at us as we walked through. Keeping myself awake and fully alert, I kept walking slowly. Slightly looking behind me they gathered. Turning back wasn't an option anymore. "I have a bad feeling," said Chris next to me. Pulling out my two swords I let the tips drag on the ground. Stopping as four of them blocked our path. "We want no trouble," Chris said aloud earning a hiss from them. These weren't vampires these were actual demons. Black eyes, shard teeth. Their black veins stood out on their pale skin. "Go," I said giving Chris the bow and quiver and pointed to an empty shop. "And lock the doors and windows." Doing as I said they left. Looking around the demons had completely surrounded me. Over 30 of them had to be standing there. Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes I let the feeling overtake me. Faint voices could be heard in my head as if telling me what to do. With all loss of control, I pulled down my hood. Looking at me they hissed and began to become fidgety. Readying my swords in front of me I waited for them to make the first move.

From behind me, a guy lunged at me. Slicing my sword through his stomach another one lunged. One after another they kept coming. Turning I cut the head off of one to then turn around and do the same to another. Swinging my swords in a circular motion crossing my arms I cut into two men. Stabbing one that lunged behind I kept going. Cut off a head here than there. Slicing them down the middle from head to toe. Never a moment to catch my breath I just kept going. Lunging and jumping I wrapped my legs around guys head throwing my swords up I reached down and snapped his neck. Falling into a summersault I catch my swords while landing on my knees. Staying low I cut the legs off two men. Laying my swords down I stood up I saw the last two men running away. Pulling out two throwing knives flipping them in my hands. Flinging them I caught them in the back of the head. "Holy shit," Chris said as walking out of the little shop with his brothers and bow strapped to his back. Sheathing my swords I walked towards the two dead men. Bending down I pulled my knives from their heads. Looking at them I examined the black blood on them. Wiping them off I looked at Chris. Shuttering away he said, "what's up with your eyes?" Blinking a few times I turned around and started walking. "How do you even know where you're going?" Anthony called out. "Well, I'm pretty sure princes and kings live in giant castles so that's where I'm heading," I said pointing to the castle in the distance. With that, we followed the path back into the woods heading towards the brightly lit castle.

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