Chapter 17

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*Pierces pov*

I couldn't believe this. There was no way she could be matted to Chris the king of werewolves and me the now new king of vampires. Standing up I looked at the newly gold swirls that cover her the side of her beautiful skin. Out of no where a dager stuck in her side. I could feel the pinch in my side as it hit her. As well as Chris. The thought of her being matted to him as well made my blood boil. Thana looked up following her gaze to Ziri. "Ah, Ziri. I see you haven't lost your warm touch with a dager." Thana smiled wickedly at her. "Thana, or should I call you Carman, or Zera?" "No no. Thana is who I caim now. Carman was before her. Zera will always be."

I could feel things in her stir around. Things in her were fighting each other and trying to combine together. There was a deep magick rolling around underneather her peaceful white skin. A magick most should fear with their life. I don't know why but it made me want her even more badly.

"KILL HER ZIRI," my father yelled from the stage. I couklld see the anger appear on her face and she flung him across the room. Know one threated my family like that even if they were my mate. I gripped her arm and she bared her teeth noticing she had partial canies. I took a stepped back. "Part werewolf. This can't be." Turning to Ziri she flicked her hand at her and she dropped to her knees. "Sister you will bow to me. You know you can't defeat me. No one can." Standing behind her she looked at Chris and I. "You seek answers yes?" We nodded our heads in agreement. "You both are bonded to the same girl in a sense. Chris king of all werewolfs you are bonded to the girl known as Rylee Fae Quinn. In which she is part werewolf from her father. Pierce you are bonded to the other half known as Thana. This half being a demon. Together those halfs make one girl. I Zera am the soul that has combined the two. I have lived for many meleniums. I have rulered over many with my six sisters. My sister Ziri here has been exiled from our board. Leaving her unable to bare any children or a lover. My soul travels through a long lines of generations in Rylee's or Thana's mothers side. A son will bare no effect, but a daughter will bare my soul. I will not be awoken untill she has mated. In this case this girl will have two souls. One being from her father the other being from her mother. And I Zera make up the third soul within her." "How do we free the soul of our matted half," Asked Chris. "You don't." With a flick of her fingers she vanished. Leaving everyone in shock. Chris and I left wondering what to do. Ziri slumped to the floor left in a sleep like death.

Everyone that night had stood in silence until told they could leave. Now I sit in my room trying to figure out a plan. Chris stayed in a room down the hall. I had found the legend of the seven sisters. I could only find a little about Ziri though. The lenged said there where seven gypsy sisters who each held a deep magick of life. There was fire, water, air, earth, souls, light, and dark. There goddess mother Airadesa gave great power to the eight of her daughters. Only seven of the daughters developed powers of life. Ziri was then exiled for the fact she didnt develope any powers of life and her name was simalar to her sister Zera who posseses the power of darkness. With that each of the seven sisters were to birth a daughter who then wound receive their mothers power and her mother would be left as a human. For meleniums this had gone one until Carman, Thana's mother had let her dark power consume her. The sisters had been separated and then only did their powers awaken till they had been marked or found their mate(s). Each sisters soul would be bound to some creature. The father and mother half of the girl would be matted and the witch wouldnt. Then would the sisters be reunited to control there powers together. Once learned they would be set to find Airadesa tomb which lies in Eygpt of Kelper.

So that must be were she went. Eygpt. If the rest of her sisters were on there way there and she just found her mates thats were she sould be. Rushing down to Chris' room I barged in. "I think I know were she is." Chris instanly sat up from his bed. "Where?" "Okay I found some ancient text about the legend. It say that once she has found her mates she would be instantly be taken to the rest of her sisters. It asls says together the sisters would seek to find their ultimate mothers tomb Airadesa in Egypt. So what if all the other sisters had found each other and started to look for their mothers tomb? They would have thought two things one: Carman was still bad and in control and didnt conceve any children, so theyd continue without her. Or two: if Carman gave birth to a daughter then her daughter would find her mates and instantly appear to them so they all would be closer to their destination. So in theory I think they're somewhere in Eygpt." Nodding his head in response he said, "that seem like a very good theory, but Eygpt is big and not to mention hot how could we find them?" "Well I mean think about it. If their mother was a goddess then there has to be some ancient monument marking her tomb. We can look up every major city or landmark and search everyone. We can start at 8 am and finish looking at 8 pm 12 hours of searching." "Okay, okay. When do we start and what is our plain once we find them? They can clearly kick our asses. What's the game plan here bud? Like the witch or whatever said, we can't separate the souls. One of us is going to be left without a mate." "I don't know. All I do know is we can't just let her go. And we are leaving tomorrow at the crack of dawn. Meet me by the entrance if you plan on coming with. I'm going with or with out you." With that I left him and headed back to my room. Once I had changed and laid my head on my pillow I was out.

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