Chapter 12

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*Chris' Pov*

I couldn't believe I did that, but she was so irresistible. The way her deep red eyes swirled with gold. How warm her pale skin was. The way her black hair fell in perfect loops of curls. I couldn't resist the plumpness of her lips. I knew it would cause her pain, for she was matted. It was considered a sin for the mate of a vampire to show any affection to another man or woman. She liked the pain though. Trying to tell myself that I couldn't get over the guilt. The way she took care of herself not letting anyone walk over her made me want her in my arms even more. Looking up at the tree she sat in I could hear her breaths even out and heartbeat go steady, she was asleep. Soon after I let a sleep of my own drift me off. Dreaming of her was all I could do.

*Thana's Pov*

A piercing scream snapped me from my sleep. On the ground was a limp dead Tyler. Anthony being held by a vampire with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. Completely unaware I was up in the tree he talked to Chris on the ground. Nocking an arrow in the bow I pulled back and waited, listening to their conversation. "Just let him go. We want no harm." "Where's the girl," he hissed. Before I let the arrow go I said, "right here." He looked up and I let the arrow go. It pierced right between his eyes. His body dropped dead with a thump. Here their bodies won't turn to ash or get washed away by rain.

I think that's our sign to getting going," I said hopping down from the tree. "I had that you know." I smirked as I replied, "sure ya did wolf boy." Looking down to Tyler's limp body, there were bite marks. The vampire drank him dry. Must have done it while he was asleep. "I'm sorry about your friend." With that, I picked up his body and wrapped him in the cloak. Setting him down I flicked a lighter and lit him on fire. A traditional wolf passing ceremony would be the would lay on a wooden altar and be presented with gifts from the pack. Then with everything around him or her, they would light the altar on fire. The ashes would then be swept up for the family and placed in a wooden box. This was as close as we could get. While his body was on fire I threw my lucky penny in it. "A penny. Really," said Chris. "My lucky penny to be exact. I always have it on me, so it's all I got." With that, I turned away and walked to give them privacy. Losing a pack member is hard on wolfs. They all have a connection with each other.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw them shift. Anthony was light haired with some dark spots his eyes a grayish blue, but he was nothing compared to Chris. He was much bigger covered in thick dark hair. His eyes a deep golden brown. They were so enchanting. Looking away howls escaped from there throats. They were sad angry howls. They sought revenge for their lost one, and revenge is what they would get. Walking towards the castle they followed not shifting back. Eagerness getting the best of them, for everytime a sound was made they would growl. Putting my hand on Chris' head running my fingers through his hair, it was soft. As for him, he must have liked it since he nudged closer. And so we began our days walk towards the castle. It had to be around 8:00 am.

*Pierce's Pov*

I was woken up exactly at 8:00 am. A smile spread across my lips, of nervousness and happiness. Today was the day I became king of Kelper.

Getting up as the lady brought my suit in. "Shall we begin your majesty?" "Yes," I smiled in response. Changing my boxers I pulled the nice black tailored suit pants on. They fit perfectly made just for me. Pulling a white button-up on, I buttoned each button one by one. Tucking it nicely in I pulled my tie under the cuff of my collar. Pulling it nice and snug I centered it looking in the mirror. Holding my arms out she pulled the black coat on. "Thank you," I said smiling at her in the mirror. Nodding a response back.

Sitting in the vanity chair she combed the knots from my hair. I will go get your shoes. If you will, you can eat." A tray of food appeared in front of me. "And do not get anything on your suit. If you do you your father will have my head on a stake in seconds." With that, she walked out leaving me to carefully eat. First digging into the fully stuffed omelet. It had peppers, sausage, bacon, cheese's, mushrooms, and potatoes. Moving next to the thick buttered pieces of toast. Taking a swig of the coffee I got up to head to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth to get the bits of food out. Looking in the mirror to make sure I got no food the nicely pressed button-up and jacket. Luckily, I didn't. Stepping out of the bathroom I walked to my bed and sat. Shortly after the lady came back in handing me a pair of socks I slipped them on, then my shoes. Bending down she sprayed shoe polisher on the and furiously began to polish them. After a minute they sparkled under the light. "Fantastic job I must say." Thanking me she headed out the door with the plater of dishes. Popping her head back in she said, "Your father would like a world with you in his chamber." Nodding to her she left. Walking to the nightstand I grabbed my watch and clipped it on along with my gold chain bracelet. Spraying some cologne on I walked out of my room and headed towards my fathers.

Walking down the hall each person I passed bowed and congratulated me. Reaching my destination in a few minutes I knocked and peeked my head in. From his desk, my father said, "come in." He was a hard-working man which gave me big shoes to fill once I took his place. "Son, have a seat," he said turning around and pointing to the chair next to him. Sitting in the seat I said, "what is it you'd like to discuss father?" "I just wanted to sit down and talk with you." Looking at my watch it read 9:34. We had two and a half hours before guest began to arrive. Looking back at him he began to talk. "I remember when my day came 356 years ago. Never would I a thought I would make it far. My father had great faith in me, as do I in you son. I believe you will do great things for this world. You should not fear you won't succeed because you will. I know you fear your mate won't show in time or at all, but if not you will survive." "How do you know?" "I know because mine never showed." lifting his shirt sleeves he slowed me his marks on his arms which peeked out by the collar of his shirt. It was black instead of red. "Why are yours black?" "Because she is dead. Right now yours are a light read showing the beginning of your marking bond. Once you've fully bonded together for life both of your marks will change into a deeper scarlet red. Symbolizing royalty." I nodded at this new information. I didn't know much out marking and bonding with your mate. I was trained to fight and become a future leader, I didn't have time to learn this. "Also son there is that red-haired witch. She seems like a very good candidate if your mate does not show." "I know. I just don't want the pain that comes along with not finding her." One thing I did know was if your mate died a great terrible pain consumes you. If they're not dead over time you will deny any blood only wanting theirs so the urge to find them becomes great. Without any luck the monster within you makes you lose control and consumes you to the point where you die. The thought of that made me shiver. My father left me to my thoughts alone, which I'm not sure was a great idea.

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