Chapter 20

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*Mariska's pov*

The feeling that I was floating came over me. Burning filled my chest and followed the fath of my tattoos. For some reason I couldn't open my eyes. "Relax. Your souls are fighting for compromise within you. Now I can tell you what you want to know." It was Calima talking. I felt her hand wrapped around mine. "We are to protect you as that is our mothers wishes. We are to take you to her. That we don't know why it is our orders. You are stronger than the rest of us. Your power has intesafied greatly. The ritual we preformed it to help your souls choose what path you take. If Zera defeats Rylee and Thana then you with go down the path your mother had taken. If Rylee or Thana win you will go down another. I'm not sure what happens if they all lose or all win that hasnt happened before. We are almost to our destination, trust me sister when I say everything will be okay. You look beautiful as ever by the way." I managed to choke out words. "What am I wearing?" Soft fabric rubbed against my skin giving me the goose bumps. "A very beautiful black silk dress. Its a traditional goddess dress." "Goddess dress?" My tone was a little uneven at her words. "Yes goddess. We believe that is what awaits you. We believe you are to become goddess and take mothers place." I laid in silence. A groan excaped every few minutes do to the pain inside me. I could feel the burning spread to my sides and lower stomach. "Calima." "Yes sister?" "look at my sides and stomach. What do you see?" Her fingers brushed my skin causing me to shiver. A gasp left her lips. "What is it?" panick started to seep into me. "They're beautiful." "What are?" "You have golden swirls going over your skin. This means Rylee is starting to win." I didnt know if this was good or not. I didnt know who I wanted to win. If Rylee won I imagine I would be with Chris. If Thana won Id be with Pierce. Zera. If Zera won darkness would consume me. What if they all compromised and won together? I wanted to know what would happen. I wanted  to know what to choose. We were there I could feel it.

*Pierce's pov*

Our search at Horus' monument was a bust. Nothing there as well. I could see the Pyrimids getting bigger as we got closer. In the distances I could see figures carrying some sorta of platform. They were decending into the base of the biggest Pyramid. "You saw that too right," I asked Chris. "I sure did." Hope filled me inside as we raced to the Pyramids.

(Sorry for the short pov for Pierce)

*Meriska's pov*

"We're here," Calima said. I could feel the air get cooler. Whatever I was on was set down. I could feel things being set around me. Calima stroked my hair to keep me calm. The yang around my neck buzzed with warm. Calima was reasuring me that she was here for me. The center of my forehead began to burn as my sisters began to chant in Latin. My eye snapped open and I could see. It was dark but I could see. Sitting up I looked at the dress the clung to my sides. It was very beautiful. My sisters were stopped by a voice. "You think I would find you?" That voice was none other than Ziri.

Hey lovelys sorry for the short chapter I just felt that was a goodplace for a cliff hanger.

Itsbgetting so exiting!!!! Ahh! So much more it to come. You wait and see.

Ive been trying to update as much as I can with having to work all the time. Im doing my best. Give me your feed back id love your opinions love yall hope youre enjoying!!

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