Chapter 9

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**Pierce's POV**

Yesterday I didn't do much due to the fact my body hurt. Periodically my hands would burn where that tattoos were. I'd get a dull pain in my chest. I picked out the decorations for the ballroom and was then sent to rest. Today. Today was the day I was forced to meet Women I knew I wouldn't like. My father insisted that I meet with them, for there could be a chance my mate wouldn't show up. Or even my father and mother wouldn't approve of her. Regardless of if they approved of her, I knew I couldn't reject her. I could already feel it in me. Our bond was growing stronger. I hadn't thought of the mysterious girl since yesterday morning. The thought of my mate had consumed me. Wondering what she would look like. How would she smell? The color of her eyes. The shape of her lips. The way clothes would cascade over her body. The pure beauty of her skin. The deep richness of her voice like music to my ears. All these thoughts consumed me. They took me far away from reality and everyone could see that.

A hand waving in front of my face snapped me from my deep thoughts. "Son are you ready?" Looking at myself in the mirror I tightened my tie. Clearing my throat I said, "as ready as I'll ever be." Walking out of the room my father placed his hand on my shoulder and lightly squeezed. "That's my boy." A small smile appeared on his face for a mear second. My black shiny dress shoes scuffed the floor as I walked. Making my pace slower I tried to drag out the walk. Trying to save myself before I had to talk to many girls for hours.

Entering the quite empty room I sat in the big chair in the middle. In front of me sat a desk with a notepad and pen. A water pitcher and a tray of glasses. To my right was a folder of papers with questions I should ask. Letting out a sigh I rested back in the comfy chair. I dreaded this day the most of the five. "Alright, send the first one in," I said to the butler standing by the door. Nodding his head he opened the door. I could see a line of women and girls. There had to at least be twenty of them. Even more dread filled me. I was going to be here for awhile.

The girl who approached me had short blonde curly hair and green eyes. She was wearing a light blue sundress and gloves that matched. Her small white heels clicked against the hard floor as she walked. Before sitting she stuck out her hand for me to shake and said, "Well hello your majesty. I'm Katie Lancaster the daughter of Chris and Lindsay Lancaster." "Hello," I said shaking her hand back. "Alright, let's begin. Katie, I'm just going to ask you a few questions and then let you on your way. Okay?" Looking up from the papers I smiled waiting for her response. "Well, sounds good to me," she said smiling back. "Okay, what are your interests?" Basic conversation starter. "Well, for starters I do horseback riding. I'm the club leader for Lancaster Horseback Riding. I also spend a lot of my time in the library and kitchen." As she talked I wrote down notes.

"And how old are you Kaite?" "Well, I'm 17, but turning 18 here soon." Her face went a little red at that question as if her age was going to scare me. As I kept writing I asked the next question.

"How would you provided for me?" "Well, obviously I would obey your orders and not get in your way. I would do the cooking for you as well as laundry during the day. At night if need be I'd fulfill your manly needs." Her cheeks went a little red at the last part making me smirk.

Clearing my throat I continued. "Alright, Katie last question. What are your intentions and goals as being my queen and ruling beside me?" Taking a moment she thought before answering. "Well, I would do my fair share of work as being queen and whatever is required of me to do. Paperwork and all. I would stand by your choices as your queen should. Well, as for my goals. They are to make ruling as stress-free and easy as possible for you."

Writing my last note I looked over them.

- Horseback riding, club leader, reads, and cooks.
- Age 17 (turning 18 'soon')
- Will obey. Won't get in the way. Cook and do laundry. Will fulfill my 'manly needs'.
-Willing to do paperwork and whatever necessary. Will stand by my choices. Will make work for me a stress-free as possible.
- Says well before speaking...A LOT.

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