Chapter 4

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**Pierce's POV**

Five days and I'm reliable for this dimension. Kelper, Earth's sister planet. I have 5 days till the blood moons. By this time I have to find my suitable mate.

In front of me sat Merida. She's here to inform me about how the night of the blood moons and days coming are supposed to go.

"Today, you will be fitted for your evening ball clothes and crowning clothes. The second day to the blood moons you will be chosen decorations for the ball and dining room. On the third day to the blood moons, you will be introduced to many women from near and far. You will choose the one you think will be your suitable mate. On the fourth day of the blood moons you will be prepared for your crowning. Cleansing, dressing, hair, and resting. Finally, on the final day. The day of the blood moons. At 8 am you will be awakened to be dressed in your ball suit. At noon, 12 pm, guest we'll begin to arrive in dancing shall begin. At 4 pm you shall be taken aside and dressed in your crowning clothes. At 5:30 pm the ceremony shall start and the new Queen shall be announced as well. After the ceremony we will feast in your honor. At 7 p.m. you shall take your queen alone back to your bedchamber. that is then when you create the blood moons bond with her. Any questions my Lord?

"Just one, what if I don't find her? We need to finish the bond. But we can't if I don't have someone" Concern creeps up in my voice. "You don't worry about that. They love you." Turning to her I say, "I'm not worried about them like me, what if I don't like them? What if they don't strike me the right way?" Instantly I think of the girl. The one whose name I don't know. The girl's whos face I've only seen once. The girl who's always hiding behind the hood of her hoodie. Silently I wish to be with her. As Merida goes to respond, the feeling of my soul being ripped from my body comes back. The pain bearable to a point I don't scream anymore. This happening so many times I've come accustomed to the pain. First goes my site. Still being able to hear I hear Merida, "my lord your eyes. What's wrong? What's happening?" Before I can respond I loose feeling and hearing. I am taken to a street. It's downpouring. I look around until my eyes catch a circle guys around someone. Demons or vampires. I go to take a step forward but I can't. I'm only allowed to watch from afar.

Trying to listen in on their conversation it wasn't working. It was as if I had cotton stuffed in my ears. All of a sudden one of the six guys drops and turns to ash, quickly washed away by the rain. Squinting through the rain if I try hard enough I can hear. One guy said, "Pierce Flynn. He's heir to the throne to be crowned King when the blood moons arrive in five days. Clearly, there really is no rule with both worlds running with chaos." The person in the middle turns to say, "what's your name?" She, her. It's a girl. It's her. "Jonas, my name is Jonas beautiful," the guy answers. With a swift motion, she cuts the rest of their heads off. "Well Jonas, I shall spare your life," she says turning to walk away. "But I want to play. I like feisty food," he says reaching to grab her. She shoves her sword backward and gets him in the stomach. He drops to his knees. With that, she turns around. "Do you know what my name means Jonas?" Looking up at her he says, "Beauty?" Leaning down to his ear she Whispers death. His body then puffs into ash.

Standing there I watch her walk away. I can feel her. I can feel the darkness spreading deeper into her soul. I can feel the pain in her. Demon Slayer. She's a Demon Slayer who's after me now. I can't help but to fall more in love with her. I'm such a psychopath. She's out to kill me next and here I am falling more in love with her. I barely know her and she doesn't even know a thing about me. All she knows is I'm heir to the throne.

With a blink of my eyes, I'm instantly in a room like all the other times before. Like before I make the dead rose and the paper appear.
the paper saying,

I want you to undress your heart,
and show me how much it hurts,
so that I can show you how I
intend to make it stop.

I always sign my initials, but now maybe she'll really know my name. When she reads the note it along with the rose disappear. I can already feel myself being pulled back into my physical body. The burning now a subtle warmth. Everything goes black and I drop. Opening my eyes I see him back in my room with Merida. Also in my room are, my father, Lance, and Olive. "My king, this is the only time it's happened during the day. Usually only happens when he goes to sleep," Olive tells my father. Glancing over his shoulder and my father notices I'm awake. "How long has this been going on," he asked as he walks over to me. "Six months." "And where do you go, son?" "I go to this girl. I don't know her name. She hides her face. Her name means death and she's a Demon Slayer. Why?" "I should have noticed this sooner," he says more to himself than me. "What's wrong?"

Without answering my question my father walks towards the door. "Coming everyone?" with that said everyone followed him. You know people really aren't lying when they say things get crazy around times you wish they wouldn't. Three Doors Down from my room we stopped at a door. This room was always forbidden to me. Well forbidden to everyone. This is my parent's secret room.

Hello lovelies
4 chapters in one-day I'm on a roll XD first published book and I'm doing great lol

Anyone who is reading I would love feedback and opinions on how I could make this book better

I will continue to update XD I hope u enjoy <3



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