Chapter 16

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*Thana's (Mariska) pov*

Waking up I was covered in sweat. I was wearing nothing. The only thing covering me was a thin sheet. Looking around I was in a tent. Trinkets hung everywhere. In walked a girl wearing a thin see through skirt. She wore underwear under neath. A bealt wrapped around her waist dangling from it were little coins jingling together as she walked. Her top was just a bralette with the same jingling coins. Her faced was covered with a see through cloth. He eyes were done with beautiful make up that made her brown eyes pop. "Hello I am Naiara. I brought you clothes. I just used your old ones and as well as modified your head crown." Her voice has a accent to it. It was an Arabic-Egyption accent. "Ok."Getting up and keeping the sheet around me I asked, "where am I? Who are you, or what I should say." "You are in Egypt. And I am and so are the rest of the women here are gypsies witches of magick." With that I nodded my head. "Egypt where? On Earth or Kelper?" I knew Kelper had many of the same places as earth but you could never be to certain. "You are on Kelper still." With that she left me to change. Slipping on my black underwear I looked at the remains of the dress. It was basically the same but the skirt was separated from the top. It also no longer cover my front just the back. The lace belt was thicker and jingly coins hung all the way around it. In the front a bigger Celtic moon hung against my lower stomach. The top was sewin together to make a bra basically. The straps still off the shoulders and a v-neck. Jingling coins hung from my top as well.

Slipping them on I felt more comfortable. Grabbing the head crown I examined it. The torned branches now twisted around the light chain making it not as thick as before. Black roses went all the way around it this time. The celic moon still dangle with the red stone. More chains dangled from the sides aswell. Putting it on me it didn't feel as heavy anymore. The black aura surrounded me again and the butterflies apeared. The last thing was the thick black clothe that cover the lower half of my face. Slipping it one I stepped out of the tent. The sun blinded my eyes. Blinking a few times my eyes addjusted to the light. Looking around there were three other tents making four. There was a fire and rugs in the middle of the circle of tents. Six girls sat next to it including Naraia. Walking towards them the coins jingled against my sides and chest. The sand only slightly burned my bare feet. Naraia walked over to me grabbing my hand. "Come meet the others." Just following her I kept quiet. They all wore differnt colors. Naraia wore a deep purple. "The girl in white is Calima. The girl in yellow in Isma. The girl in blue is Ezmarilda. And the girl in green is Serida. Then Lyalya in the red. What is your name dear?" Three names pandered around in my head. Rylee, Thana, and Zera. I didn't want them anymore. They weren't me, but they all made up me. I looked at her and said, "I don't remember. Perhaps you could give me one?" Nodding her head she took a moment to think. "Mariska? It that a good name for her," she asked the other girls. They all nodded there heads in agrement. "Mariska it is then." Mariska. I couldn't help but notice all the names ended with 'a' and never started with the same letter. I also noticed the tents matched each of there colors. Purple, White, Yellow, Blue, Green, and Red. Then the was a black one. Instanly I knew it was for me. That was my color. I was the black gypsy. "Mariska there are some rules you should know," said Naraia "One: never leave the sisters. Don't go wandering off alone. Two: Your color your things. You don't touch others stuff and we won't touch yours. Three: never leave a sister behind. Four: you always wear your color and have your face covered. And five: never take off your symbol," she said the last one as she pointed to the pendant on my belt and forehead. They all had one of their own. Calima having the sun. Isma a triangle with a line going through the base, Ezmarilda an upsidedown triangle, Serida a  upside down triangle with a line through the base. Lyalya a regular triangle, and Naraia a swirl. They all had a little red diamond in the middle like my celtic moon. "Another thing you should know is you have completed the heptagram. Each of us representing an eleament. Me souls, Layla fire, Serida earth, Isma air, Ezmarilda water, Calima light, and you Mariska dark. We've all gone through what you have. Obviously not exactlt but similar. We all have three souls within us. Matted to two creatures of Kelper. In your case a Vampire and Werewolf. With us you will learn to control your powers and the third soul in you." Listening to Naraia's words I looked at my tattoos. They too had some over there own. Three colors and patters like me, but different colors and styles. "Your mother was Carman yes?" "Yes," I said nodding to her. "Ah yes. We as well have conceived our powers from our mothers meleniums ago. When you birth a child girl she will receive your powers. A child boy will not inherit any of them only from his father." "What if I don't concieve a child? What will happen then?" "That will not happen. Your bloodline will not die off. You will conceive a child with a spouse or one will be conceived on its own when the soul in you is ready to move on."

We sat there for what felt like forever. It would take me awhile to take all this new information in. First im binded to two kings and now im apart of this sister qysps witch pack. And not only that but I will give birth even if I don't want to. My life just went to 0 to 100 real fast.

Walking over to me Calima sat down. "Here are your swords." She handed the two skinny swords. Setting them next to me I thanked her. "Of all the sisters you and I are to be the closest. Light and dark. You'd think we'd hate each other," she said smirking. "We've waited a long time for you Mariska." "Why couldn't you have gotten me sooner? Before all this stuff in my life happened." "You have to come to us. The witch in you the connects us all hadn't awakened until you were marked. We also had to wait for your mother to conceive a daughter. We waited for five years. Only had she been conceiving sons until you. I know you think your going to be evil and the witch inside you is going to take over. Yes you are the dark witch, but you can change what you do. You don't have to be evil. Yes you have dark 'evil' magick within you but that means nothing. Magick is magick. You are more powerful than your mother was though as am I and the rest of us. Something has happened in our bloodlines. Something is changing and we all can feel it." "I just don't know how I can do that. Everytime I kill I can feel it inside me grow darker." "That is because you are killing for revenge. Out of evil. The witch, Zera is fighting Rylee and Thana fir control." "How do you know my names?" "We know everything about each other. You will soon know about us too. You will find out secrets about yourself that you never even knew. With time you will grow stronger."

With that she got up and left me to think about her words. I was lost as what to do now. What was I capable of? Where were we going? What was going to happen to Chris and Pierce? What was going to happen to me?

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