Chapter 14

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*Thana's pov*

As I was feet away from the door I pulled my hood to hide my face. I motioned my hands infront of me openning the doors. Know one noticing I had entered they all stood and faced the stage. Sitting in the taller throne was him, Pierce Flynn. Sitting in the other smaller throne was a red haired lady. A witch. I could sense it. Watching from the back Chris and Anothny separated from me. A lady stood on the stage next to the witch. "And I know give you the new queen of Kelper," Lowering the crown almost to her head I took out a dagger and threw it. Instantly the crown was pinned to the wall behind them. Gasps left the mouths of people as they couldn't believe what had happened slowely I stepped towards the middle of the room. Everyone staired in wonder and awe. Questionable looks appeared on there face. I don't know why I threw it. Part of me didn't want her to have him because I wanted him.

*Pierce's pov*

I followed the lady out of the room. Quiclky entering another I switched into another back suit but this one was silky. Buttons on the shoulders. The lady brought a deep red pelt with gold chains hanging from the end. Buttong it to the jacket the chains hung over my shoulders. Combing my hair again and buttoning the jacket she smiled to me. "You are ready." With that I followed her to the entrance I took the first time. Waiting at the door was Dawn. She wore a long black ball gown various spots of red fabric showed. "You look lovely," I said as she looped her arm through mine. "Thank you. You are looking handsome as well." I smiled at her and the doors opened. "Lady's and gentelmen please welcome your newly to be king Pierce Flynn and queen to be Dawn Princeten." as we walked down the stairs towards the stage everyone clapped. "THAT'S MY BOY!" Everyone laughed at that comment. Instanly I knew it came from Justin. Looking over at him I saw Jessica slapping the back of his head. The sight made me chuckle to myself.

Once we got to the stage we were sat in the thrones. "Lady's and gentelmen the moment we've all been waiting for, the crowning." My fathers voice boomed over everyone. Claps and cheers erupted in the crowd. "We are here today to bare witness for the crown of a new king. To witness a loss but an even greater uprising. It is time for me to step down and have my son fullfill my place as king." Looking at me my father continued. "Son you will encounter great tragedys but greater success. With time you will become a great and strong king. You will become an exceptional ruler." Pausing he contiued, "Lets continue with the crowning." Grabbing the crown my father walked over to me. "I Aurthur Flynn, here by step down from my position as king. Thus giving all my power, land, and wealth to my son, Pierce Flynn." Placing the crown on my head my father said, "I here by crown Pierce Flynn king of Kelper. All hail your knew king." With that everyone in the room bowed including my father and mother. Moveing to grab the other crown he handed it to my mother who stood next to Dawn. "I Mercedes Flynn Here by step down from my position as queen. Thus giving all my power, land, and wealth to my new daughter in-law, Dawn Princeten, soon to be Dawn Flynn. And I know give you the new queen of Kelper," Lowering the crown almost to her head a dagger flew across the room and pinned crown to the wall behind us. The hilt of the dager had a Celtic moon carved into it. Shocked at the act gasps left the mouths of people. Looking away from my mother and Dawn a person in a cloak slowely stepped towards the middle of the room. Everyone staired. Questionable looks appeared on there face.

Pulling her hood down it reveled the girl. The girl that I had left dead roses and notes for. The girl who slote my soul from my body from time to time. In front of me stood the girl I had thought about so much. Her eyes were different. Gold and black instead of the pale blue. A black cloud shivered around her. She was breath taking. The redness of her lips made my mouth water with desire. I stood up as she walked closer. She moved her hands and chanted something. My mother looked towards Dawn and said, "DO SOMETHING YOUR A WITCH!" With that Dawn was on her feet next to me. She began to chant a verse of her own. By doing that the witch, demon slayer who ever she was went quiet. After a second she started cold at Dawn. Speaking she said, "you dare to think your weak witch spells will stop me?" An evil laugh excaped her lips. With that she threw her hands at Dawn and yelled, "ABI HINC VOBISCUM!" It was Latin for 'be gone with you.' Instantly Dawn flew back into the wall and fell motionless to the floor. People rushed to her sides. Looking to my mother her face went pale. "Pierce. Look at her hands." Flicking my gaze to her hands, it couldn't be. Could it. Her hands held the same markings as mine. Her hand instanly flew to her neck where two little punchture marks were. My fangs began to ache. Running my tounge across them in hungry that was filling me. All of a sudden an ear piercing scream left her mouth and she fell to the ground. And I felt what she did burning pain in my side it was dull but their. I knew something was wrong.

*Thanna's pov*

Moveing my hands in front of me I began to chant something. An older looking lady looked towards the girl sitting in the thrown and said, "DO SOMETHING YOUR A WITCH!" Instantly the girl was on her feet next to Pierce. She began to chant a verse. It was a spell to send me away. To lock me out of the castle, a weak spell. I went quiet at the sounds of her pathetic spell. Looking cold at the girl I said, "you dare to think you weak witch spells will stop me?" An evil laugh excaped my lips. My voice was different. It sounded demonic and creepy. I threw my hands at her and yelled, "ABI HINC VOBISCUM!" Instantly she flew back into the wall and fell motionless to the floor. People rushed to her side. The older lady spoke. "Pierce. Look at her hands." His gaze went to my hands. Making me instanly look at his. His hands held the same tattoos as mine. The marks on my neck began to burn my and uncunciously my hand went up to it as his tounge rolled across his teeth. His fangs were out. In a blink of a second a unbearable burning went up the side of my thigh to my rib cage. I screamed out in pain and I fell to the ground. Instantly Pierce was infront of me. Taking my hands in his the swirling tattoos on our hands glowed and grew up our arms. Going all the way up my arm to my until it caressed the side of my face. Pierce looked behind me causing me to follow it. Chris was being dragged to the center of the room. He growned in pain. His shirt was torn and tattered so much that you could see the swirls of a golden tattoo forming on his side. A feeling burst inside me making me want to comfort him, but another feeling pulling me back to stay with Pierce. Looking back at Pierce as his hands moved my dress up. Thus reveling the same gold swirling mark as Chris. Pierce looked up closely looking narrowing his eyes at Chris. "Chris Burns. The king of all werewolves. How is this possble?" I looked at Chris in shock. A guilty look crovered his face as he looked at me. "I'm sorry Thana." "HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE," Pierves voice boomed through the room. "She can't be matted to the both of us." My blood ran cold. I was matted to the both of them.

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