Chapter 7

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**Thana's POV**

"You've been marked."

Instantly I snap my eyes to hers. "What do you mean I've been marked?" My words coming out fast like bullets. My heart rate speeding up. "Sweetie you've been marked by a vampire." I take a step back as she walks towards me. Looking her dead in the eyes. Holding my hands in front of me. "No. No, I'm not. No Veronica no." Her hands resting on my shoulders. My hands wrap around her small forearms. Using her I held myself up. "Yes, Rylee." "THANA! My name is Thana." My voice became higher. "Thana you can't deny this. You can't escape this. It's apart of you know. You will fill with an intense desire to find him. Your own soul will lead you to him no matter what. You can't run from it Thana. He has awakened a power deep within you. Powers greater than anything. As have you in him." My thoughts becoming wrapped and wild. Quit thinking I told myself. Quit! A war was raging inside me. Trying hard not to paralyze Veronica with my eyes and the painful screeching sound. Fighting to keep my thoughts from luring in those demons. "Thana, calm down." shoving her from me not enough to hurt her but enough to get away. "No. No, Veronica, I can't be attached to him. It. A demon. A vampire. I kill them I don't love them. I CAN'T! I CAN'T!" Turning around I rush out the door.

It was too late I saw them coming. Many of them. Demons. They heard my thoughts. I'm not surprised they were not hard to hear. So loud and screaming. Reaching my hand to my back. My sword wasn't there. Realizing I was fucked. I left it in my room at home. Turning to run I had to lead them at least away from Veronica. Running as fast as I could towards my house. I was almost there. A block away. One step after the other. I was run so hard so fast my hood flew off. Almost to my house, I noticed there were kids outside. Stopping almost in front of my house I was surrounded. At least twenty of them. The kids froze in fear. Turning in circles I held my head in my hands. The world was spinning around me. I saw two vampires grab the two kids. "NO!" The words left my lips with so much force and dominance. They stopped turning to me. Voices in my head kept getting louder and louder. Falling down onto one knee I held my hands over my ears. Screaming for it to stop. All of a sudden it stopped. Looking up towards the two kids and vampires. Stumbling back a few steps as they made eye contact with me. "Her eyes." I heard one of the kids say. Look down at the puddle beneath me I saw my eyes. They were pitch black.

The two vampires proceeded to drag the kids away. Instantly something in me took over. Like someone else was driving for me. I opened my hand and my sword suddenly appeared. Looking at my hand back up to the vampires I smirked. "Bye-bye." I didn't recognize my own voice. It was filled with a sick enjoyment. Before I knew it my feet were moving to the closest vampire jumping to wrap my legs around his neck. Twisting his head and breaking his neck he fluttered to ash. Dropping to the ground I stabbed the next one. Cutting the head off the next. Everything going past me like a blur. Bodies dropping instantly turning to ash. Before I knew it I was standing alone in front of my house. Looking down the street I saw the two kids and the vampires. Filling with anger my blood boiled even more. Closing my eyes then opening them I appeared in front of them. They stopped cold in their tracks. Pushing the two kids away they cracked their knuckles.  Twisting their heads to crack their necks as well. Trying to intimidate me and failing miserably.  Just standing there staring at them. I set my sword down. Letting my hands fall at my sides waiting for them to make the first move. Smirking they walked towards me. With incredible speed, I rush over to one of the guys grabbing his arm to twist it behind him and breaking it off his body. His screamed filled the air. Spinning to do a round-house kick I kicked his head off. His partner catching it in his hands looking down surprised. He watched the head turn to ash. Watching him he looked up his eyes turning a very dangerous red. Filled with incredible anger he ran towards me, as soon as he was within a few feet my sword appeared in my hands. Pointing towards him it stabbed him right through his chest. His body disappeared into ash. Standing there the rain finally fell. A groan leaving my mouth. Two much. To many souls captured. Instantly becoming weak I drop to my knees. My sword falling from my hand. My vision blurred in and out. Finally losing all strength I fall to my side. Two blurry figures walk towards me. Before I could try to push them away I was taken by the darkness.

**Anthony's POV**

My friend Tyler and I were playing outside. There were few occasions when we could play outside so we took advantage of it. Playing galactic troopers we were stopped by a girl running down the street. A bunch of men and some women following her. She stopped in front of this little house. They completely surrounded her. To distract we didn't notice two guys walking towards us. One guy yanked on my arm snapping me from our thoughts. I was to scared and paralyzed from fear to resist. I assuming Tyler was feeling the same as he didn't pull away either. "NO!" The loud words came from the girl making the two men stop and turn towards her. She dropped to her knees holding her ears in her hands. Screaming stop. All a sudden she stopped scream like something in he stopped. Snapping her gaze up at us. Instantly stepping back as her eyes were pitch black. No more whites. "Her eyes." The words left my mouth before I could stop them. She looked down at the puddle beneath her to see for herself.

As she was distracted the two guys kept pulling us away. Not having any idea where they were taking us we just went along. I didn't dare look behind us. The sounds were terrifying enough. The screams and sounds of people dropping to the ground made my stomach turn. I looked over to Tyler who was as pale as me I assumed.

All a sudden the screams stopped. Then less than a second later she appeared in front of us. We jerked to a stop. They pushed Tyler and I to the side. So scared we just stood there watching. The two guys cracked their knuckles.  Twisting their heads to crack their necks too trying to be scary. The girl obviously wasn't scared but I sure was.  Watching her she just stood there staring at them. She set her sword down on the ground next to her. They smirked at that and the guys started walking towards her. With insanely awesome speed, she rushed over to one of the guys grabbing his arm to twist it behind him and breaking it off his body just like in the movies. He screamed out in pain. I flinched at the sight. Spinning around she kicked his head off. The other guy caught it in his hands looking down at it just as surprised as I was. I felt my jaw drop. That was insanely cool and scary at the same time. His head turns to ash as well as his body. The guy looked up at her his eyes turning a very angry red. With instinct, I took a step back as well as Tyler. He then started running towards the girl. All a sudden he stopped right in front of her. I saw her sword appear and stabbed him right through his chest. His body disappeared into ash. Out of nowhere rain fell from the sky. It instantly washed away the ash. A groan left the girls mouth. She dropped her sword and fell to her knees. Shortly after she fell to her side. With the same thoughts, Tyler and I walked towards her. She was then unconscious.

All a sudden the rain stopped. Walking towards her body I grabbed the sword and laid it on her chest. Then grabbing her hands Tyler said, "dude what are you doing?" "Well, we can't just leave her here." "yes, we can Anthony." Giving him a dead look I said, "she saved our lives the least we can do is take her to the house till she wakes up." "Fine." Grabbing her legs he sighed. With that we carried her. Well more like dragged her back to our house. "Dude she's so heavy," Tyler complained once we reached our front yard. "Oh, suck it up you wimp." I received a cold glare from him which made me smile.

Finally, we managed to get her in the house and set her on the old worn couch. "What now?" Tyler asked. "We wait for Chris to get back." Sitting on the floor I lean against the wall. Shortly Tyler fell asleep in the small recliner. Not long after I followed.

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