Good Things Come...

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Carl gently lays me on the bed, one hand beneath my head, the other around my waist. He kisses me softly, carefully. He takes off my hat and sets it on the table before placing his on top. I sit up and slowly pull the hem of my shirt up and over my head. I've never be more exposed in front of anyone. I always feared undressing for someone else.

But this just feels so natural.

I regard him shyly. He's flushing already, and looks overwhelmed. "You're so beautiful," He finally manages. It's clichéd as hell, but it still makes me feel good.

"C-can I keep my bra on?" I hope I didn't kill the vibe. But he doesn't mind.

"If that's what you want, if you feel more comfortable like that."

"Okay," I say, relieved.

I exhale and nod. He reaches down and kisses me. I move my hands to his chest and start undoing the buttons. This is really happening.

When I've finally got the last undone, I pull it off him and am welcomed by the familiar sight of his chest. Sleeping, hugging, and reclining against it have made it practically a second home to me, yet I always forget how wonderful built he is. He really takes my breath away.

Our hands go to each other's jeans. I purposely wore loose-fitting Levis so he wouldn't have a hard time with them. As for him, it's rather tricky... there's already something in the way.

Finally we've managed to fully undress each other. For a moment we just sit there, smiling in our underwear as if pleased we made it this far, until Carl gets up and closes the blinds. For what reason I don't know, I mean, the group isn't due to return for at least a week, and Beth and Judith sure as hell aren't playing out there. I guess just to set the mood. It works. I'm very turned on now.

Before the blinds are fully shut, I catch a glimpse of the sky. It's a beautiful, sensual, deep purple, with dark gray clouds. It's raining, and the sounds of drops hitting the roof shingles mixed with the gentle rumble of thunder set the mood perfectly. It's as if the whole world prepared itself for our night.

He returns to the bed, and pulls something small an plastic from his jeans pocket. I know what it is, but I still ask. "I took one from Glenn... a while back. I just... I just wanted to be ready. In case," He explains.

"Good thing you did."

And we continue looking at each other, savoring the last image we'll have of each other as virgins. When we've gotten our fill, we crawl under the down duvet and let it dance over our legs. I hear him put on the condom, and prepare for what I know comes next. I've seen it, his dick. I've felt it, tasted it. I just never gave much thought to how it would quite feel pumping in and out of me. Time to find out I guess.

He relaxes against me, molding into my body. "We don't have to do this " He murmurs into my hair. "Not now, not ever. Everything is up to you."

Is it possible he's more nervous than me? I nod. "But I want to." I gently move my fingers along his dick. "For us."

He sighs, stiffening so hard it looks like it hurts. He nods, pushing my legs back slowly, carefully. I look into his eyes, his beautiful eyes. They say to do it with someone you really love and trust with your body. I've found that, and I've made him wait long enough.

He pushes in so gently I almost don't feel it. But I do, and it feels okay. No excruciating pain but no jubilant orgasm either. I'm already soaked for him so it's no struggle. I nod, our main form of communication it seems. He nods back, unsure of what to do. I rock my hips back and forth, indicating him to to the same. He does. He doesn't slam into me, he takes his time. It's nice. It's... special. His hands pressed into the mattress, steadying himself. Our bodies moving in unison, like one. My hands securely cupping his face. Our sweat mixing together. It's beautiful. Perfect. As if he's channeling his very essence into making this as perfect as he can. And he's succeeding.

Carl speeds his pace. It comes as a surprise at first, but I like it. His arm slides down my torso and comes to rest under my thigh. He hooks his hand under it and eases it up so it rests along his waist. My hands clamp around his neck, my head resting on his shoulder. I can hardly hold myself up, because oh, it feels so good. My eyes drop closed as my legs tighten around his thighs. Faster. I hear him breathing, panting. Harder. He squeezing me onto him, my breasts pushing into his chest. "Mm!" I let out a moan of pleasure. Oh yes. I gasp. Yes. Just a little more. He runs his hands up and down my back, a tremor running along my spine. More! I hear him moan louder. My back arches, and I'm about to finally release a bloodcurdling scream when I remember Judith and Beth are sleeping only a few doors down. Quick-thinking Carl reaches over and grabs the pillow. He tosses it over his shoulder and I clamp my teeth around it, stifling a cry of pure ecstasy like I've never experienced before. He keeps going, and I come again, then a third time before my energy is completely spent. My head drops from his shoulder and I melt back into the mattress, exhausted and slightly sore.

Carl drops right beside me. and for a moment we just lay there, not touching, just staring at each other. I find his hand under the sheets and thread my fingers through his. I bring it to my mouth and kiss each finger in turn. His hair is damp and we're both lying in a pool of sweat. He loops his arm around my waist, forcing me to move closer. He moves a hand through my hair. Everything's in slow motion as we examine each other with our hands, lightly, like a blind child reads Braille. We kiss, our mouths melting into each other. I sigh into his, Suddenly aware of just how tired I am. I tuck my head into his neck, tracing his stomach with my fingers. He moves his hand down my waist, coming to rest on my hip bone. I automatically bring me knees up and curl into him.

"I love you," Carl murmurs.

"And I you."

As I drift off to sleep, I see the moon peek through the blinds.

The storm is over.

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