Only Human

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First we lose internet, then all power. One minute Carl and I are watching Ocean's Eleven in the playroom, the next minute the TV is shut off and so are all the lights. We question Rick, who treks downstairs to check on the generator. I hold the flashlight while he examines it, concluding the independent power stations have finally given out after months and months of neglect. The generator just needs a turn-it-off-and-turn-it-back-on-again for the next while. As for the internet, he says, it's gone. It had been running on it's own for the past while, like the power stations, but eventually gave out as well, this time for good.

"Not really a problem," Rick says. "I'd like to see you two get outside more anyway."

"We do get outside," Carl counters. "We just like watching movies sometimes."

"Well, looks like you'll have to find a different hobby!" Rick replies cheerfully. "How about taking the cousins out and around the neighborhood? You should get to know them, Carl, they're going to be here for a while."

"How about absolutely not?" I immediately decide. Rick turns and looks at me, a curious look on his face.

"Well, I mean," I start, embarrassed. "It's getting dark. How about tomorrow... maybe?"

"Yara's right," Carl jumps in quickly. "It's too late. Especially for Luce, it's not safe at night to be wandering around."

"I didn't mean Luce," Rick grumbles. "But alright. Tomorrow I want to see you, Yara, Karel and Melly outside and spending time together!"

Just hearing her name makes my guts twist. But I grudgingly agree. Carl does too.

"Nice. Thanks guys." Rick claps his son on the back as he makes his way upstairs. Carl and I stay down for a minute, not saying anything. Finally he looks at me.

"What is it?" He asks. "The fact that we have no more internet?"

"Well, I was looking forward to finishing that movie," I joke. "But no. It's not really that."

"Are you two coming?" Ricks voice rings out from the doorway at the top of the stairs.

"Just a second," Carl calls up to him. Then he turns his attention back to me."It's Melly, isn't it, " He says.

I say nothing.

Carl sighs wearily. "It's just one day, Yar, just one afternoon we have to spend with them."

"So was that day last week," I counter. "Shooting practice? That was only one day. And look what happened. Look what she did."

"She didn't do much," Carl says quietly.

I'm kind of appalled. Are we talking about the same day here?

"Right, so her caressing your leg 'wasn't much'? Her watching us through the window 'isn't much'? And when she--"

"Can you stop?" Carl cuts in suddenly.

I'm taken aback. "Stop what?"

"This!" He exclaims. "This jealousy of yours. It needs to stop!"

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not fucking jealous!" I insist. "I told you that."

"Then would you just quit it with the ranting and raving? It's getting old fast," He says in disgust.

"What, I'm not allowed to be pissed when my cousin is hitting on my boyfriend?" I demand.

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