You Aren't Alone

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As expected, it's nothing short of chaos when we return. As soon as we pull into the driveway, the door swings open and Rick and Uncle Kemper come racing out so fast the place could have been on fire. I have half a mind to stay safe in the truck, but Carl insists we go explain ourselves. It takes me three times longer than usual to undo my seat belt. My stomach flips and aches, not from hunger but from guilt.

"Explain yourselves!" Rick shouts, his hand hovering over the gun at his belt. Carl swallows.

"We got held up," He says sheepishly.

"By what? A ghost ship?" Uncle Kemper yells. Then he launches into a long spiel about the irresponsibility of youth these days, the disrespect we show our elders who only want us to be safe, our disregard for anyone but ourselves, our complete lack of consideration for the precious fuel in the truck. He goes on for years without once mentioning the possibility of us getting eviscerated by walkers.

When I think its drawing to a close, he takes a breath, preparing for more shame-spewing, when Rick's hand closes around his wrist. He's seemed to calm down the slightest bit. "Don't pop a blood vessel, Kemper," He says. Kemper shoots us one last disgusted look before stalking back inside.

Now alone, Rick glowers over us, his whole face a mask of disapproval. "I don't know where the hell you two were, and I don't care much either. Do you have any idea how worried everyone was for you two? Didn't it not occur to you once what kind of thoughts were running through our heads?" He shakes his head at Carl, looking utterly disappointed. "I'm ashamed, son. I thought I raised you better than this."

"Better than what?" Carl blurts out, suddenly angry. "Just how much better could you have raised me during this apocalypse, dad? You aren't exactly in the running for Father of the Year here."

"I thought you might have had more sense not to take our only means of getting the hell out of here for a joyride with your girlfriend!" Rick roars, slamming his hand on his holster. Carl glares at him defiantly, barely flinching.

I avert my eyes from the scene, feeling horribly uncomfortable. We've all been in that situation where a friend is getting chewed out by a parent when you're right next to them. Awkward doesn't even begin to describe it.

I become aware Rick is glaring at me now. I gather my courage and prepare for his fury.

He looks sad. "I thought you had more sense than this, Yara. Your aunt has been wide awake all day and all night, crying and praying. She didn't have a doubt in your mind you were dead and that it was her fault. Did you think about that?"

I didn't even think about Aunt Kizzi. Poor, weak Aunt Kizzi with her damaged heart and broken hope.

"And not to mention the littler kids," Rick continues grimly. "Judith and Luce won't eat anything, they're so scared and upset about you two. They won't go anywhere without each other, clutching each other's hand like a lifeline. They love you guys, and are scared out of their wits for you two. Did you think about them?"

Now I really feel sick. All these people I never gave a second thought about before going off with Carl. And for what? I glance at Carl, who's no longer glaring angrily at his dad but looks as guilty and sorry as I feel.

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