Naked Game

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Anonymous said: Fanfic where Gray and Juvia are playing strip poker? :D


Gray was very focused; he needed to keep his focus and not betray his disappointment when he took a card from the deck and it came out a relatively low one. Six. SIX. Goddammit, it would be easier for Juvia to have taken a higher card and then she would've won and he would need to take off his last piece of clothing: his underwear.

They had gone to his apartment after they went to dinner and didn't want to part ways yet. To pass the time, Gray proposed he taught her a game and she eagerly accepted, so he retrieve his cards and taught her the rules. He didn't know why Juvia thought it was a stripping game, maybe, just maybe because he lost the first round and took off his coat without realizing – and when she lost the next round and started to unbutton her coat, Gray had almost yelled at her, wanting to know what she was doing.

Confused, Juvia tilted her head to the side and asked: "Isn't it what the loser has to do, Gray-sama?"

By the moment she had stopped speaking, she had shrugged off her coat and stood in front of him in her green corset and her face was getting redder by the second. There was only one answer he could give her:

"Yes, it is."

He was going to hell for taking advantage of her confusion. He so was.

Even so, it began: every time one of them lost, said person took off a piece of clothing.

Gray was fairly good at the game, but he did lose a few rounds and it reduced his clothes to his underwear only, but he was used to it, no news there: pretty much all of Magnolia had seen the family jewels but watching Juvia... it was a whole new experience.

They had been dating for four months and they had kissed a whole lot when they were alone and sure, he had seen her take her clothes off since she took to herself his stripping habit, but seeing it while in the battlefield and seeing it in his bedroom were two very different things.

After the boots and the corset were gone and he only had his pants on, she lost again and, surprisingly chose to take off her bra.

Gray watched, mesmerized as she turned around and reached to the clasp on her back, opening and shrugging the bra off. Gray had to slowly pick a pillow and put it over his groin when she turned back his way, one arm over her breasts and the most adorable shade of red coloring her face down to her cleavage. The best part was that she didn't know how much seeing her take off his clothes had an effect on him.

He lost the next round and the pants came off. It was lucky he had frozen the air around him otherwise he would've scared Juvia away.

Juvia reached for the deck of cards and if her expression was any indication by how much redder she became, Gray was about to be a very happy man.

Putting his card down, he looked up to her in expectation and when she put her card next to Gray, his mouth became dry as he saw the three of hearts.

Holy shit, he won. He was about to have his girlfriend naked in his apartment.

Eyes wide, Gray watched as Juvia (as red as a tomato) got up, turned her back to him and reached for the knot that kept her skirt together when Gray's conscience finally spoke louder than his lascivious thoughts.

"Wait." He said and she froze, looking over her shoulder in question. Gray got up and sighed. "I'm sorry, Juvia. This... this isn't like the game is played and I let you believe it was."

Juvia blinked twice, still turned away from him and he felt shame for leading her on, so much he couldn't even look her way, choosing to stare at a spot on the wall on his left.

What he wasn't expecting was to hear Juvia's soft giggle. He looked up and could see her eyes sparkling in happiness even if her face was as red as before. "Did you think Juvia had no idea this wasn't the way the game was played?" She smiled. "You didn't say anything about taking off clothes when you explained the rules, Gray-sama."

Gray frowned and then remembered she was the one who had taken off her clothes first. He took off his own all the time, she knew by now when he meant to take them off or not. She knew the game wasn't played that way and even so...

"You led me on." He said, surprised.

With a giggle, she answered: "Just a little bit." She put an arm over her breasts and turned to look at him and instinctively Gray looked down to the skin she was showing before looking back to her face. "Juvia wanted to know..." She trailed off and looked away.

"What? Tell me."

She bit her lower lip and then muttered: "Juvia needed to see if Gray-sama wanted Juvia at all." He couldn't believe his ears. "When we are... alone, you always stop even when Juvia wouldn't mind pushing further, you push her away. Juvia thought perhaps you didn't want her."

Gray frowned. "So you decided to play strip to see my reaction?" Juvia shrugged. With a sigh, Gray stepped closer to the blunette and put his arms around her. "One of these days, Juvia, you are going to kill me."


"Do you know why I push you away?" Gray said, his chin resting on top of her head so she couldn't see his face get red. "Because if I don't, I won't want to stop."

Juvia untucked her head from underneath his chin to look to him and Gray made a point to look anywhere but her, hoping she would catch his meaning.

"Oh." She whispered. "Really?"

"Yeah." Gray mumbled and finally looked down to her. "I don't think neither of us is... ready yet." Cheeks flushing even darker, Juvia nodded. "So I just..."

"Push Juvia away." She nods in understanding and moved her arms from between their bodies to wrap them around his neck. "How about... how about we set how far we are comfortable going?"

Gray seemed to think for a moment. "Alright." He leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips and they stayed kissing for a few moments.

"Gray-sama?" Juvia asked between kisses.


"I think we found out you are not opposed of kissing Juvia while she is topless." She whispered, her lips an inch apart from his.

"What?" He frowned and Juvia looked down to where their chests met and Juvia could see the moment he realized both their chests were bare, because his face turned a deep shade of red. "Oh. Oh, crap."

Trying to hold her laugh, Juvia asked: "Should Juvia step away from you? But then you would see them..." His face turned redder but he shook his head. Juvia caressed the short hair at the nape of his neck, lovingly while Gray tried to contain his brain from leaking though his ears and he shook his head. "Should we go over there" she motioned towards his bed with her head "and kiss a lot until you are not afraid of them anymore?"

"I'm not afraid of them." Gray muttered, but started to move when Juvia slowly pushed them towards his bed.

"Sure you are not." She kissed him again and he felt her smile. It had been a great idea after all, just not his idea.


AN: Mashima is getting naughty with his drawings. ;)

11/19/2016 ~ BonneyQ

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