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Anonymoussaid: Hey Bonney! How ya doinn? It looks like urhaving a great time with the dolls! Could you write a little something whereGray and Juvia see a hickey on Gris and everyone is like 'Hmmm where did thatcome from?' ;))    

AN: Hope you enjoy!




"How was training today?" They were almost finishing dinner when Gray asked their fifteen-year-old son, while Juvia fed their three-year-old daughter, Rose, some spaghetti. "You were later than usual."

"Uh, yeah. It was okay." Gris nodded, his dark blue hair moving but he kept looking down to his plate and Gray frowned, his son was usually more talkative when it came down to sharing about his training sessions.

"Who did you train with today? The twins?" Being a few years older, the Redfox Twins usually took on the younger ones to practice.

"I... uh... I was with... Iggy, actually." Gray's frown deepened when Gris' face became red and he still refused to look up from his food. Ignacia "Iggy" Dragneel was Natsu and Lucy's daughter, about six months younger than Gris, as beautiful as her mother and as 'fired up' as her father.

"Is that so?" Gray was more and more curious and he studied his son more closely and he notice something purple on his son's neck, under the white fur on the collar of Gris' coat. "What's that?" Without even thinking, Gray reached for the collar and saw a purple bruise. "Are you hurt?"

"Hurt?" Juvia finally looked up, worried. No one hurt her baby.

"No. I'm fine" Gris pushed his father's hand away and tried to cover his wound, face all red. "You know what, I'm done eating."

"No, no, no, mister." Juvia used the tone she had mastered since she gave birth: The mom voice. She got up, leaving the plate so Rose could attempt to finish her dinner while she checked on her oldest child. "You sit down and let me take a look."

"Please don't, mom." Gris sat back down but kept his hand on his neck. "Really, it's nothing."

"Let me see." The blunette demanded and pushed Gris' hand away, earning a groan from her son, who complied with reluctance. "How did you get this?"

Gray finally took a good look at it and he raised his eyebrows; if he were not mistaken, that was- He looked towards his son and saw the truth in Gris' eyes and his son was pleading for him to intervene.

Apparently, his training session that afternoon involved getting hickeys from Iggy Dragneel.

"Juvia, let the boy go." Gray told his wife, who was fussing and clearly haven't figure out what the 'injury' was.

"Our son is hurt." Juvia told him. "Create some ice so we can put on it."

The Ice Mage sighed. "Gris, go to your room." His wife looked over her shoulder, affronted. "Now."

Using his mother's distraction, Gris slipped away and practically ran away from the kitchen.

"Gris Fullbuster, return right now!" Juvia said once she noticed the boy's absence.

"Let him go, he wasn't hurt during practice." Gray said and took a glance at Rose, who was happily making a mess with her food and completely ignoring the boring adult stuff.

"He was hurt."

"Not while practicing."

Juvia frowned. "What?"

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