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anonymous asked: hey bonneyboo (why did i do that), i don't know if you're accepting requests, but if you are, can you do one where juvia can control people with their blood? it's been in my head ever since and i watched avatar with my siblings. and i know she'll be horrified about that. (oh no, the things i think about juviboo)

AN: I am a HUGE fan of Avatar, so imagine how happy I was to get this request? HAHA Anyways, here comes the drama!


The first time it happened, she had been in a mission with Gray. It was supposed to be an easy mission but somehow, they found themselves in the middle of a life or death battle. Gray was fighting off three mages, Juvia fought with three more and the Fairy Tail Mages had advantage.

Until a seventh man appeared out of nowhere with a long dagger, coming out of the bushes, and running straight to Gray, clearly intending to stab him in the back.

Juvia saw the whole scene as if it was in slow-motion. She remembered the memory she had during the Games about Gray dying to protect her and how much it hurt – more than she thought she could bear – and there was no way in hell she was going through that again.

Not if she could help it.

By instinct, she raised her hands in the direction of the assailant. The Water Mage had no idea what she was going to do to stop him, she was too far away to stop him with her water, but somehow, she knew something was going to happen.

All she needed to do was to just stop him.

His hand was holding the dagger tightly and he was almost stabbing the clueless Ice Mage.

Stop. Him.

With a surge of power like she never felt before, Juvia focused on the man – she could feel each drop of his blood through his veins, she could do anything she wanted with it – and just before the blade connected with Gray's back, his whole body froze.

Juvia was breathing heavily, holding on to her power knowing that just a second's weakness and she would release whatever she had grasped and the blade would go on its course. It hurt so much she could barely speak.

"Gra-" She tried to speak doing her best to stay focused, but came out as just a little louder than a whisper. She could feel something hot and wet coming down her nose, but didn't pay much attention to it, preferring to gather strength to call her boyfriend. "Gray-sama!"

The Ice Mage's attention snapped back at her and his eyes widened her direction. Noticing the man behind him, Gray took a step aside. "What the hell?" Noticing the dagger, Gray disarmed the man and punched him in the face.

Only then, Juvia let go.

She fell to her knees, she rested her forehead on the dirt; she could barely breathe, her whole body was shaking and her vision had black dots dancing around. Juvia felt sick.

"Shit." She heard Gray say and two seconds later, Gray was kneeling next to her, an arm around her shoulder. "Juvia? Juvia, come on! Look at me." The blunette kept her position.

"I couldn't move!" A male voice said, and Juvia could hear the fear in his voice. "What did she do to me? She was inside of me, I could feel! What is she?"

"If you don't want to end up like your buddies over there, I suggest you to leave right now!" Gray yelled and there was a big thud when he used his magic to scare off the man probably by creating something of ice. She heard footsteps getting far away and then Gray was talking to her again. "Juvia, why are you bleeding?"

The blunette didn't understand his words fully; why was she bleeding? With her breathing more in control, she finally sat straight – which was a bad idea, the black dots in her vision became worse – and Gray promptly brought her closer to his body.

"Alright, don't worry. I got you." He said that over and over again. "Damn it, Juvia, you are so pale." She closed her eyes, her vision almost all black. "No, no, no... Don't faint on me."

"Not gonna faint." She managed to mutter.

"Could've fooled me." Gray told her. "I don't see a bruise anywhere, not even on your nose. What happened?"

Juvia opened her eyes and looked up at the Ice Mage – he looked so concerned it warmed up her heart. "He was going to stab you. Juvia stopped him."

A bit of understanding passed his expression. "The dagger." She nodded. "How did you stop him, exactly? He wasn't wet." She must've made an awful expression, because he immediately said, as gently as he could: "Alright, calm down. You don't have to tell me, okay?"

She shook her head a hid her face on his chest. "Juvia... stopped his body. I couldn't let him hurt you, Juvia won't survive if she has to see you bleed to death again. Juvia felt the blood in his veins and she just... she stopped him."

"What?" His tone was surprised. "I didn't know you could do that."

"Neither did Juvia."

"It makes sense." Gray told her. "Blood is mostly water."

She could feel her eyes getting wetter. "My own magic hurt me when I did that, it... attacked me; Juvia could barely breathe, she was shaking and her knees gave in. It knew it wasn't right, it shouldn't be done, but I couldn't let him hurt you." She looked up to him, the black dots were gone, but her vision was blurry because of her tears. "Please, don't hate me. I didn't know I could do that. It was awful. Please don't tell anyone, please. They'll hate me if they know."

"Hey, no one will hate you, Juvia, come on." He caressed her back. "I certainly don't. I'm more worried what it did to you." Gray cleaned the blood that came from her nose with his thumb.

"What if there's something wrong with me?" She asked in a terrified whisper. "What if I do it again?"

Gray's arms tightened around her. "I know better than anyone how it is to fear your own power, how to lose control; and not once you gave up on me. I don't think there's anything wrong with you and if there were, I wouldn't give up on you." He touched her cheek. "I can help you bury this new power or help you master it, it's your choice. Don't do this like I did, okay?" Feeling a bit relieved, she nodded. "Alright. Right now, though, I am taking you to a doctor." She opened her mouth to argue, but he didn't let her speak. "That's not negotiable. You didn't see yourself, I did." Gray stared at her, kindly. "You helped me carry my fears, let me help you carry yours."

Juvia teared up and nodded. She was still terrified of her own power, still worried what she could do, but knowing Gray was there with her made her feel safer than ever before.

He would help her, like she helped him.


AN: I hope it wasn't too OOC and that you guys enjoyed it. :)

06/04/2016 ~ BonneyQ

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