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AN: This was written for this year's Gruvia Week that was just posted on Tumblr but I decided to post here too! I hope it's a cute one and also 'educational', I guess.


Gray and his son, Gris, were returning home, the older Fullbuster holding the tiny hand as they made their way. Gris talked about his day at school, very excitedly while they were on their way to the Guild to meet his mother.

Ever since they had put Gris in school, whoever had just arrived from a mission, got Gris from school for a few days. Juvia had cut off her missions a little since Gris arrived – as much as she loved being a Mage, she loved being a mother more and wanted to spend as much time as she could with Gris. She still went to missions, but not longer ones anymore and she always told Gray how lucky she was she could do both.

"Daddy?" The five-year-old asked and Gray hummed to let him know he was listening. "I want to get married."

Gray almost stopped walking, but kept walking instead and the words finally sank in. He chuckled – Gris might've inherited a lot of Gray's traits but that was pure Juvia.

"Is that so?" Gray asked, as serious as he could be.

"Yes." The dark blue haired boy nodded in all his seriousness.

"Alright, what's her name?"


That made Gray stop and Gris stopped too, confused. Gray cleared his throat and they resumed walking.

"I don't remember a James in your class." Gray said casually.

"He's new."

"I see." Gray nodded. "So... what makes you want to marry James?"

Gris shrugged. "He is so fun!" The little boy said, excited. "He is my best friend now! We play at free time, he has lots and lots of toys and he shares with me."

The older Fullbuster nodded in agreement. "Sharing is very important."

"If I marry James, then we can sleep in the same house and play all the time, until morning like you and mama do!" Gray couldn't help but to feel his cheeks get warmer with his son's words.

One day, Gris had almost caught Gray and Juvia mid-act and they explained as being a game they were playing, but just for grown-ups. Juvia didn't let him touch her for three days after that.

"Well." Gray cleared his throat. "It's nice you like him so much, but you can't get married yet, kiddo."

Gris whined. "What?"

Gray actually laughed. "You are still a child, the law doesn't allow that and if it did, it would be wrong."


"Besides, you would have to move from home, away from mama and me." Gray said and Gris' eyes widened. He wasn't ready for that at all. "How about this? Tomorrow you show me who James is and who his parents are and we can arrange a playdate so James can come over or you can go to his place too."

"Okay, I guess." Gris didn't sound as hopeless as before, even perked up a bit.

"You don't have to marry a friend to hang out with them, Gris. But marrying a friend is a good thing. Your Mama was my friend before she was my wife."

"Fiiiine." Gray sounded bored, but Gray felt he needed to add something, so he stopped his son and kneeled in front of him.

"Gris, I know you are still young but I just want you to know that your mother and I will always love you, no matter what and we want you to be with someone who loves you just as much as we do. We won't care if it's a boy or a girl, as long as you are happy and loved." The little boy tilted his head and Gray chuckled. "In a few years you'll understand. And if in 20 years you still want to marry James, I'm sure you'll have a beautiful wedding."

That time Gris made a disgusting face. "I don't want a wedding."

Gray laughed. "I didn't either, kiddo, yet there I was" he showed his hand with the gold ring on his finger "and we have so many pictures of it I get lost when I see them. But we'll see, you're still little. Maybe you won't want a wedding, just to get married and your mother will cry but I think I can bargain something with her."

The boy pondered for a moment. "Fine." He said as if he was granting his father a favor. "Now can we go? I want mama's bread."

"Sure, buddy."


After receiving hugs and kisses from his mother – everyday she welcomed him as if he had just returned from war instead of staying a few hours at school, Gris went to run with some of the other kids – Juvia made sure he took enough bread to feed all of them.

Gray kissed Juvia's cheek and sat next to her – she had a good view of where the children were outside. "So, I found out today your son wants to get married."

Juvia's eyes widened and then she all but yelled: "What? To whom?"

"James, he' new in his class. I talked him out of it, don't worry, I don't think he'll run away in the middle of the night. I think he won't."

It took Juvia a few moments to take it in. "James?" Gray nodded in agreement and Juvia furrowed her eyebrows. "Gray-sama... what did you tell him?"

He rolled his eyes at his wife. "Don't worry, I didn't scarred our son for life neither told him he could only marry girls." Gray started to tell her about the conversation and how he assured Gris he would marry anyone he wanted when he was older, as long as he was loved back and Juvia's eyes watered. "Did I... do it right?" He hesitated for a moment.

Juvia smiled and pulled him for a kiss. "Yes, you absolutely did, Gray-sama. You didn't diminish his feelings, you made sure he understood why he can't get married now, and he knows he is loved no matter what."

"Good." Gray sighed in relief. "He is so your son. Not even six years old and already wants to get married."

Juvia slapped his shoulder lightly and both laughed before looking to where their son was playing.


AN: I hope you guys' like it. I wanted to show love and acceptance from Gray and Juvia towards their son, no matter what. He's still young so we don't know what's gonna happen, but all any parent can hope is for their child's happiness!

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