Three) Promise to Remember

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No song for this one because for some reason it didn't save and I've no idea what it was when I saved the draft


  The next morning Alexis wakes up in her room Eve is lying next to her, curled up close. Alexis sighed wondering if Eve had another bad dream of if it just got cold in her room. Maybe both, Alexis doesn’t really mind. She strokes Eve’s hair idly and glances over to the window. The sun hadn’t risen yet but she knows it’s close, so she stays with Eve letting her litter mate cling to her tightly. Alexis lies with her just enjoying the sound of their breathing and heart beats.

  Alexis lets her mind wonder, to her family mostly wondering what they will do when they find out who she’s mated too. She thinks they’d both have heart attacks. She smirks at that and shifts around only to be squeezed into freezing when Eve tightens her grip like she’s holding a teddy bear. Alexis sighed and patted her back to sooth her. Eve relaxed her painful grip and fell into a more soothed sleep allowing Alexis to slip from her hold and head over to the bathroom. She stepped over to the sink and splashed water into her face wiping away the crust in her eyes and blinked a few times then froze with water cupped into her hand after the third splash.

  She let the water slip from her hands as she stared at her left hand palm. Nail marks etched a line across her palm, hers, she only knew that not only because of where they were positioned but because werewolf skin doesn’t scar like that if not self-inflicted. “Love,” He mother had said one day as she brushed out Alexis’ long hair and trimmed it for the year.

  “Yes mother.” Seven year old Alexis answered as she pretended her doll was flying through the air like a bird, saving helpless wolves like old super heroes did in the human movies, like Super Man. She would have loved to meet Super Man she never knew humans could do things like that.

  “I want you to remember something for me.” Her mother said as she set the brush down and ran her fingers through Alexis’ hair, sectioning it off to weave a simple three strand braid into it. “Of course mother, anything for you.” Alexis smiled as she tossed her doll in the air, watching it morph and change then flutter off after it finished changing into a bird. “Wolves minds are subjected to two beings living there and memory is a fickle thing when two beings are recalling a memory.” Alexis listened quietly as she was soothed by her mother’s rhythmic movements almost like the sway of waves hugging a beach. “If you’re ever unsure I want you to squeeze your hand as hard as you can until it hurts. Then keep squeezing until you bleed.” Alexis looked up to her mother then.

  “But why?” Her mother looked haunted as she tied off the braid and rested her hands on Alexis’ shoulders.

  “Because you have an old soul.” Alexis frowned and stared up at her mother who brushed her knuckles along Alexis’ jaw affectionately. “I want you to promise me, that if you feel threatened and you know that you need to remember I want you to squeeze your hand as hard as you can.” Her mother grabbed Alexis’ left hand and forced her to squeeze her hand tight. Alexis squirmed and cried out as blood leaked from her hand.

  “I want you to promise me.” Her mother said sternly. “I promise! Mommy it hurts!” Alexis father barged in then and shoved Alexis’ mother away yelling about how she was a bitch and a horrible mother as he had Kyle lead Alexis out of the room. As the door shut Alexis remembers her mother shouting something, “She has to know! You can’t keep her from this! You can’t protect her from the path the Moon Goddess has set her down!”

  “I can sure as hell try, Ursula!” Her father yelled back.

  “You can’t! You can only prepare her for the worst! She will be a savior of our people!” Alexis saw her father hit her mother for the first time that day. “You superstitious bitch!” He spat. Kyle ushered Alexis away and bandaged up her hand. Alexis tried asking questions but kept getting the run around. “You’re too young to understand, it’s grown up stuff, something’s just can’t be explained to a child.” Alexis just grew tired of asking.

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