3) Catch Me If You Can

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  Damien woke to the rush of warm air as it thawed his body and woke his mind. Night was up the instant Damien was lucid enough to register where he was. Night made a fuss about something or other, most likely the weird way Damien instantly thinks of his mother when he wakes up. The pain is always still so very raw, and he can’t seem to understand how people say it’ll get a bit better with time. It doesn’t, it hurts the same every day.

  He was pulled from the chamber and a blanket was wrapped around him while they forced that nasty nutrient drink down his throat. Damien coughed and shoved the person away, “I’m fine.” He huffed out and blinked open his eyes. As the sleep fog faded away the memories faded too. Damien let out a slow sigh and pulled the blanket closer. “Why does it feel like we’re still in space?” Damien asked looking over to the healer. “Because we are, Mars has us docked at a space station; we’ll need to go through customs before they’ll let us onto the ground.”  

  Damien frowned at that and looked over to where his father was recuperating. He didn’t look at all shocked or surprised by this news. Then again it might not be news to him. Damien wouldn’t put it past his father for knowing everything there is to know about political paranoia. It’s not that Damien minded he just seemed to never know what is going on when it happens when his father does. Damien’s annoyed that his father hasn’t shared this knowledge with him. But then again he did just find out that his father wished he’d step down as the heir.

  “Once you two are up to it will continue.” The healer said with that light and tender smile all halers seemed to have mastered. Damien gave a nod as the healer handed him that nasty drink. “Drink up, you need it.” She advised and Damien nodded and took the drink. Damien’s father was watching him quietly and motioned for him to drink it. Damien stared back but did as he was told and swallowed the vile stuff trying to ignore the taste as much as possible.

  After Damien got changed into more appropriate clothing and was presentable to the outside world he followed his father off the ship and onto the space station. The wolves around paid them no attention as they went about their work. Whatever any of them were doing it looked important as they hurried along. Damien sighed, breathing in the recycled air that tasted of machinery and the slight tang of body odor. The guards checked them over, finding nothing wrong they sent them through to the other hanger where they boarded another ship. Damien stalled pretending to be fixing his shoe; his father gave a mellow dramatic sigh which made the whole thing worth it.

  However when Damien stood he glanced over to see two girls being ushered onto one of the other ships identical to all the others here. A tall man was talking as if he were lecturing the girls, girls Damien recognized. One in particular made Night’s attention snap towards her and locked on. She glanced to the other girl and gave a smile like she was trying to reassure her. They were holding hands, which wasn’t odd for those two. Alexis and Eve, he’s pretty sure the other girl’s name was Eve. It was something simple like that.

  “Damien.” Damien looked over to his father who looked annoyed then. Damien looked back over to the girls but they were gone and the shuttle door was shut. He was sure it had been them even if he wasn’t sure. He might be hallucinating. But Night’s reaction would suggest otherwise. Damien’s body guard suddenly grabbed his arm and roughly ushered him into the shuttle with his father.

  “What were you looking at?” His father questioned and Damien just shrugged.

  That wasn’t the last time he sees Alexis and Eve either and each time he’s more convinced it’s just in his mind but Night drives him forward to figure out. Damien finds it hard to focus on the things his father tries telling him and even has a hard time focusing at all really. The second time he sees the girls it’s in the cafeteria. It’s a quick glimpse he’s not sure if it was them or just one of the many girls around.

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