One) The Send Off

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So I finally figured out how to add YouTube videos...Took me long enough huh? Anyway I wanted to try to add a song to each chapter that fits the mood of that chapter and I'll even have a heads up for when to play it. Like I said this is all an experiment and I'll be putting a lot of weirdness to it hopefully people will like it.


  Alexis watched the Wolf Moon rise up into the sky; it was that weird time of day when both the sun and the moon were up at the same time. Her mother was sitting behind her braiding her hair in interact patterns Alexis wasn't sure she'd ever be able to remove after the ceremony. They'd been sitting there for hours and Alexis was pretty sure her ass had fallen into a coma. She itched to let her human skin fall away and just run, but she sat still for her mother.

  Today was not the day to be getting antsy and piss off her mother. Yes, she was a rebel always wondering off and getting herself into trouble and her parents shaking their heads and hoping it was just a phase. Alexis knew in her heart, deep down in her soul that the moon goddess wanted more from her loyal servants then just skipping by on life and following the rules. They were meant to run free, they were the apex predators. They weren't supposed to be afraid of anything they were free and yet they chose to live skittish lives.

  Alexis would be damned if she'd end up like that. Even if her mother said her mate would be her yin to her yang Alexis didn't want that no matter how her mother explained it, it was clear to Alexis who ever this person was. He was going to be a bore and just drag her down. If she were to explained herself in one simple word she'd be fire. So logically her mate would be water if he were to be yin t her yang right?

  "I'm done." Her mother's calm even tone interrupted her thoughts. Alexis turned her head slowly to look in the mirror. Her dyed brown hair was piled atop her head with hours of work and she's pretty sure thousands of bobbing pins and small rubber bands. Alexis' vibrant green eyes stared at her, she blinked and for a split second her eyes were wolf yellow.

  "Thank you mother," Alexis said in a controlled voice. She stood, still looking at herself in the mirror. Wearing a simple dark blue dress kept up with noodle straps that crossed in the back. The light fabric flowed around her when she moved the small flecks of glitter reflected the light. Alexis thought she looked like she was wearing a piece of the sky when she first put it on.

  "You will be fine." Her mother said taking her hand. Alexis moved slowly as she looked over to her mother. Her brown hair was pulled up into a bun that swirled and looked like a flower. Alexis never understood how her mother could pull that off without seeing what she was doing. Alexis nodded and looked back to the mirror staring at herself for a moment longer. Her mother squeezed her hand lightly alerting Alexis to what her mother had placed into her hand. Looking back down, she stared at the diamond earrings with fake silver studs and a necklace with a simple moon shaped diamond.

  "Thank you mother," Alexis echoed and put the jewelry on.

  "Lighten up Lex you're going to find your mate, smile or you're bound to scare him away." Alexis looked up at her hot body with a raised eye brow. She knew she was being conceded but she had a hot bod and if she drove her mate away by not smiling obviously it wasn't meant to be. However, she wasn't going to be rebellious tonight, she promised. So she turned to her mother once more and tried on the sweetest smile she could manage. So sweet she briefly worried about cavities. Her mother smirked and touched her shoulder.

  "I'll come to get you when you're father is ready alright?" Her mother gave her a worried look for a brief moment and Alexis nodded knowing her mother would hear any lie she tried. Her mother stared at her for a moment longer before pulling her into a hug and choked back tears. Alexis just sort of froze; hugging was a normal thing for wolves sure. Casual affection was just a part of everyday life, however.

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