4) A Total Holo-Fail

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  A month passes and Damien has barely left his room, only going out to attend the mandatory meetings but keeping his distance from Lex whenever he saw her. He made sure to keep his distance, if she didn't want him around there was no point in pushing. She was, after all, a red pelt. Telling her she needed to do something would most likely just push her farther away. It was awful, Damien wanted her around. He knew who she was but he couldn't have her.

  While he kept his distance from her he learned her name was Alexis and not Lex, which really didn't matter much to him but it was good to know her parents were complete ass hole about having a daughter that they'd give her a guy's name. He told David everything and manages to point her out every time she's close by.

  He hates him for that, he hates that Alexis seems to have no idea that he's around, he hates that she's so close but he can't do anything to make her understand. Alexis smiles and keeps close to her two litter mates; that light haired mutt hasn't been around he saw him hanging with some other bitch. They seemed to have mated which was a relief letting Damien relaxed about that.

  He knows he hasn't even tried to talk to her, not even once and hates how much of a coward he's being. She's so close and maybe if he'd just talk to her she'd understand how she made him feel. Maybe he could understand why she doesn't feel the same way and maybe he could get over how perfect she seems; maybe if he'd talk to her he'd realize it's all been in his head.

  He hates how he thinks maybe he's making excuses to stay away in the hopes that if he returns home alone maybe he won't need to take the title Alpha and he can live however he wants. He thinks if he didn't have the pressure of being the next Alpha maybe he could follow her with her dreams of traveling and they could be happy. His thoughts continue to spiral out of control and he ends up punching a hole through his wall.

  David ends up noticing it, David's sitting on one of the bean bag chairs with Damien as they munch on a bag of chips and leaving crumbs everywhere. David is kicking his butt in a racing game and shouts out happily losing one of his shoes as he wiggles around in a bizarre victory dance as the lime green car on the screen does doughnuts around the black one. David laughs that weirdly evil laugh of his and tips back his head which is when his laugh dies away. Damien shoves his hand in the now empty bag of chips and glancing at David curiously.

  "What's that?" David asked pointing behind them. Damien glances over to the hole and shrugs.

  "Wanna go again?" He asked as he tossed the bag away and wiped his hands off on David's pants before grabbing his controller again. David slips off the beanbag letting Damien claim it as his own and walked over to the hole. Damien pretends to be ignoring him as he chooses a different car because the one he's been using is a piece of shit.

  "Dude, you need to get out and get some fresh air." David says behind him.

  "I'm not going to another stupid party or cook out or fucking chill hut." Damien growled just to emphasize that no matter how much he begged Damien was not going.

  "Then let's go down to the holodeck and blow off some steam. Romp around in the woods like our ancestors." David suggests and that, that sounds great.

  "The environments are all holographic." Damien pointed out as he got up and brushed off the crumbs and glanced over to see David clumsily slip on his shoes.

  "So are you coming or not?" David asked as he slipped on an empty can and fell on his face. Damien watched the can fly in the air and hit David in the back of the head and doubles over laughing at the sheer chances of that happening.

  "Oh ha-ha," David grumbles as he tossed the can across the room and rubbed the back of his head. He pulled his hand away quickly and looked at it. "Gross," He huffed out in annoyance as his hand came away sticky with the pink liquid of the sugary drink. Damien continues to laugh until David tackles him. They land on the beanbag which explodes under their weight. Damien's laughing harder now as little white balls go everywhere and his room is officially a mess. David's laughing too and by the time they get it together they realize it's almost curfew but decide to still go to the holodeck anyway.

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