Third) Let's Not and Say We Did

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  She’s flying high up in the sky with the clouds watching the world from so high up makes everything seem so small. Like her problems and the worries of pack life. She’s freaking flying what problem could ever catch up with her up here? Nothing, that’s right Eve was free, finally free. This high up she even escapes time, she sees the world as it really is, an endless cycle. Generation after generation wolves are born and born again. Just like the Moon Goddess said, she can’t provide a heaven to escape the horrors of life but she can provide death a temporary retreat until she returns them anew to hopefully correct their wrongs and make heaven on Earth. She can provide the materials to create a heaven, souls.

  Eve sees it now, being so high up, she sees the way each and every wolf is reborn to a new fresh soul. To a new host each life time. Their past experiences linger and define not only what their host’s pelt is going to be but keeps the connections of their past, mates. She sees the purity in it all, the bright webs of connections. It’s beautiful and flawed but so beautiful. Eve could stare at it for all eternity and she would but she’s a restless wolf and moved on.

  Finding beauty in so much more than the connections, but at the same time in them as well; she watched as even after thousands of years some mates have stayed together, they’ve renewed that bond every life time. Somehow finding each other even against great odds their love pulled through. Eve watched one couple in particular only because the red pelt sub looked so familiar. She just couldn’t put her finger on it and she continued to watch.

  Year after year they’ve stayed together. Each life having its difficulties and problems but they pulled through simply because they were survivors. It made them dangerous, simply because they know they can survive. Eve watched the mates for a while until something dawned on her, not every wolf was paired up. She checked and double checked, each time she looked the result was the same. Not every wolf had a pair, but if that were true then…

  Eve gasped for air and coughed and dry heaved at the same time. Her lungs felt heavy and pinched every time she struggled to take in a breath. “Sorry about that, I administered the antigravity nanos while you were out.” Eve looked up groggily to Richard who was hovering over Alexis, checking her vitals. She was still out and looked so peaceful. Eve blinked away the sleep as her dream slipped from her but the feeling of an epiphany lingered, poking at something that wasn’t there anymore Eve got frustrated and just let it go for now.

  “The…What?” Eve heaved out and coughed again.

  “I can put you out for longer while your body finishes adjusting.” Richard offered as he blandly ignored Eve’s question. Eve just stared at him and noticed how they weren’t in their room anymore. They were in a cryogenic pod bay on a ship she didn’t know. There was no whirl of an engine in the background and she wasn’t floating. So they were still on the ground. Relief clouded Eve’s head for a moment; she and Alexis could still get away from this nut bag.

  She didn’t care who he was or who he claimed to be. She didn’t care what that DNA Tracker said. If some powerful Alpha was really her father what was with the covert mission to come and get her? There was no reasonable explanation for why he couldn’t announce his presence and take Eve. But then a thought hit her, maybe she was some mistress’ child and she was a disgraces and the only reason this Richard guy was her now was because they either planned on tying up loose ends or someone was feeling guilty for banishing her.

  If someone was guilty Eve’s outlook on life if she went with these people was grim. Mistress children of Alpha’s get a pampered life sure but their looked down upon. She was going to hear cold heartless whispers everywhere she went and die alone because even if she ever met her mate she’d never be allowed to mate with him.

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