1) Field Trip

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Damien's POV Woo! Don't forget to drop a comment and vote.


  Damien hated everything. He hated how things went down, he hates how his sister laughed, he hates his mate for being so damn stubborn, he hates being cooped up in his room all the damn time since he got home, he hates the looks of disappointment he gets when he walked through his pack compound. He just hates everything, even his father, who gives him those little looks when he thinks Damien isn’t paying attention. He knows that his father thinks he’s a disappointment. He wishes he could go back and talk some sense into his mate, Alexis.

  He wants her at his side, so bad. Night whined and fussed at every chance he got. Damien was pissed even at that. He couldn’t do anything, he wouldn’t be allowed back into Sanctuary. Even if he were the whole fact his mate rejected him and everyone knows. His whole love life would be turned into a media circus, which would destroy any credibly if his mate rejects him while everyone is paying attention. 

  His father is silent on the car ride to the shuttle bay; Damien is sunk low in his seat and glares out the window just as silent. His father is looking over some papers, most likely being the case file of the weird ship that crashed down and then the fact someone kidnapped two girls from Sanctuary. People are baffled at how anyone got past the force field not to mention the water. Damien was annoyed his father was making him do this and was pissed the stupid reporters had somehow gotten ahold of him and Alexis in the holodeck, replaying her running away from him over and over again. They were following the car even now trying to get some kind of statement out of him. His father told him to make vague remarks or none at all.

  Damien looked away from the window and stared at the back of the driver’s seat. He hated reporters, how in the world did they make a living without getting themselves killed with being so obnoxious? He had no idea; honestly if his father wouldn’t completely blow up about it Damien would have decked one of them by now. All of Damien’s choices have boiled down to worrying about his father’s reaction; he was sick and tired of that too. He was going to be an Alpha someday he had to lead, which meant he had to learn how to stand up to his father. However that was easier said than done.

  “We’ll be there in a few minutes, Alpha.” The driver called, Damien’s father looked up and nodded, “Very good.” He responded and then went back to marking up the papers in front of him. Damien let out a slow sigh and straightened up in his seat and stretched out his legs.

  “Something on your mind?” His father questioned. Damien looked over to him just to make sure he was talking to him and not the driver. “Uh…No, it’s nothing important.”

  “You are the heir of the Darkest Sun Pack Damien, all of your thoughts are important.” Damien stared at him long enough for his father to caste a glance in his direction. “It’s not worth repeating.” Damien corrected simply and looked back out the window.

  “If you say so.” His father said in that condescending tone of his. Damien chose to ignore it, every time he argued with his father it ended poorly for Damien. The last time they argued Damien’s mother died. He wouldn’t make the same mistake again; he’d never, ever chose to argue his father’s decisions. He should have let Abigail go instead of insisting she could control herself.

  Damien blinked a few times and shook his head as he tugged his selves over his hands and folded his arms. He continued to stare out the window when he noticed his father’s reflection staring at him. Damien looked over to him hesitantly. “You always do that.” Damien frowned at that comment, “Always do what?”

  “Try to make yourself as small as possible when you’re feeling miserable.” Damien looked down at his body, he’d curled up again, his heels were pressed up against the foot well and he was hugging himself and hunched down again. “I do feel awful.” Damien admitted. His father reached over and clicked the button to bring up the partition between the front and back to make their conversation private.

  “Tell me about it.” His father said, setting his work aside to focus on Damien who looked back out the window to watch the world zip by. “It’s okay dad. I can handle it on my own.” His father touched his shoulder, “But you don’t have to, you have an entire pack behind you. All of us are here, no matter how large the pack is we are still all family and family watch after one another.” Damien refused to look at him as he blinked back tears. He also refused to say anything and basically resorted to ignoring his father, whose hand was still resting on his shoulder.

  “Your mother would be proud.” His father started, “She’d proud of you no matter what you decided to do.” Damien looked at him then. “What?” Was all he managed to croak out. His father rolled his eyes and pulled away.

  “I’m not blind Damien; I know the pills work but if you don’t want to lead.” He paused, “I could live with that.” Damien sat up straight and glared at his father. “You don’t want me to take over do you?” Damien demanded.

  “That’s not what I meant Da-” Damien cut him off, “No, I know exactly what you meant father. You’re using mom to try and convince me to stand down and let Beta Charles’ kid take my rightful spot as Alpha!” Damien shouted. His father looked to the partition, “Damien, keep your voice down.”

  “Why?” Damien questioned throwing his hands up in the air. “I might as well tell the whole world that my own father doesn’t have faith that I’ll be a good leader! His S-special s-son is t-to s-stupid!” Damien faked a stutter and glared at his father. “Frix you, I’ll be the best damn Alpha Darkest Sun has ever seen. Nobody will even remember your name after me.” Damien vowed. His father just stared at him until finally the car pulled to a stop and the driver knocked on the partition.

  Damien glanced out the window to see they were parked in the shuttle bay parking lot. He smashed the button to his safety belt and shoved the door open only to be swamped by reporters. Damien was taken aback for a moment as the reporters plunged right into asking deep and personal questions about his mate until his trusty body guard showed up and grabbed his arm. Damien followed him as his body guard tugged him through the crowd.

  “I’ll do what I can to make my father proud.” He said as his guard ushered him to another car, his father following quietly with his own body guards keeping the reporters at bay. The reporters shouted after him, “Is it true that your mate rejected you?” Damien moved to say something but his bodyguard shoved him into the car before he could do anything, “That’s enough.” His body guard said and blocked the reporters from getting a shot of Damien as he shut the door.

  Once he and his father were both safely inside the driver then took them into the building housing the spaceships. Damien glared at the back of the driver’s seat. “We’re not done talking about this.” His father said. “You might not be but I sure as hell am.” Damien’s father grabbed his arm, “Damien.” He said sternly but Damien just jerked out of his grip and shifted as far away from him as he could. His father sighed and sat back looking out his own window as they pulled up to the ship they’d be using. Damien and his father went through the boring check list and got ready to go into the cryogenic chambers.

  He sat quietly while the healer turned on the nanos swimming though him to prepare him for the Mars atmosphere. He hated this part, where he felt sluggish and heavy before getting changed and going into the pod to sleep through the journey there. Damien stepped in and leaned back against the back wall. His father walked by and glanced at him. Damien stared back with an annoyed glare. His father shook his head but said nothing.

  “Ready?” The healer asked and Damien nodded. “Yup, ready as I’ll ever be.” He said and she shut the door and flipped the switch.

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