Chapter Eleven

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Bethany's POV

I got to work a little bit late but its ok Kevin's my manager, he was the one that hired me so I was good. I went to the back room and put on my vest and name tag on. I went over to Kevin and gave him a shy smile. Lately I've been getting really shy and nervous around kevin but I try to ignore it as much as I can. "Sup Ken." I said putting some shoes where they belong. "Hey Beth." He said and gave me a big smile. "How you sleep last night?" He asked me worried about me. "Yea it was pretty good." I sorta lied, I had a horrible sleep. "That's good, you need your sleep." He said as he spined in one of the chairs. "Hey guys!! Your sunshine is here!" Erica said pointing to herself. "Haha no my worst nightmare!" I said sarcastic. "How dare you!" She said attacking me and dropping me onto the floor. "I was kidding!! I love you!!" I screamed as she started tickling me. "And Brenda's here!" Brenda said coming over to us and started tickling me too. "Noo guys, noo stop I'ma pee myself!! Stop! Kevin help me!!" I screamed. Kevin came over to me and some how managed to get me out from under both of them. I turned around and ran behind Kevin and hugged him, not letting him go.  He turned around and put his hands around me. "I'll protect you, I wont let no one touch you." Kevin said hugging me tighter. All of a sudden there was this over powering growl coming from the entrance...

Logans POV

I walked into the mall with the guys and obviously went to the food carts first. I ordered a pizza and a soda. That was the actual first meal I've eaten these couple of days. The guys decided to go look for some new shoes so might as well and get myself some too. We went to the every store except one. "Hey im going to get a pretzel, gonna come?" Ray said stoping in his tracks. "Yea I'll go." Andrew and Gabriel said that the same time. "Jinks you owe me a soda!" They said again at the same time. "Double jinks!" They said once again at the same time while punching each other and laughing. Ohh yea I forgot to mention Andrew and Gabriel are twins. "Alright I'll stay with Logan than." Derek said as he waved at the guys. We were walking to the store when the wonderful scent of chocolate and strawberries hit me. "Mate?" Tyler whispered. I just kept walking to where the smell led to. "Noo guys, noo stop I'ma pee myself!! Stop! Kevin help me!" I heard someone scream but just a playful scream. Her voice.. it was so angelic so soft and fragile. She kept giggling, her laugh was so amazing it brought the biggest smile to my face. Wait did she say Kevin? Who the hell is Kevin! "I'll protect you, I wont let no one touch you." Some unknown guy told my angel as I turned the corner. Once I got to the entrance I froze. He was hugging her! She was hugging him!! I let one of the loudest growls escape my throat making everyone turn to me. My mate just stood there surprised not moving a muscle. "Let her go." I said in a Alpha voice. This Kevin guy just let here go and got in front of her. She placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded at him. She walked around him and stared walking to the exit telling me to follow her. Once we were out side she looked at me and slapped me. "What the hell!! Why did you leave me just like that the other day!!" She said pissed off. "I have my reasons." I said rubbing my cheek. "What's your name?" I asked. "Bethany. Your?" She said. "Full name." I said in a stricter tone. "Bethany May Morgan." She said as she shivered a little. As much as it hurt me it has to be done. "I Logan Jay Jackson reject you Bethany May Morgan as my mate." I said and walked away...

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