Chapter Five

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Bethany's new car ^^^ Above

Logans POV

Its been four days since I read the letters. Ever since I've been in my room, I haven't gone out. Derek would bring me food every once in a while but I would just nibble on it then just put it to the side. I still didn't get it through my head that I was being chased after. That everyone I know is in danger. I just couldn't believe it. Why would someone come after me? I've done nothing to anyone, I've always been to myself. "Don't worry about it. We'll get over it. I promise. No ones hurting the people we love especially are mate." Tyler said popping in my head. "Yea hopefully what your saying is true." I said trying to convince myself more than him. "Logan we haven't been out for four day's, I need to run." Tyler said and I knew it was true. All I felt was stress and I had to let that go. "Alright Tyler give me 5 minutes." I said getting up from my bed. "Derek ima go for a run. Don't mind me I might take a while, just need to get out." I told Derek through mind-link. "Alright Alpha, be careful." Derek said to me back. I could tell he was worried for me. I walked out the door, went behind a tree and striped down and put my clothes between the bushes. I shifted into my wolf and let Tyler take control. After running for what seemed like seemed like 40 minutes we came to a stop in a meadow. I've never been here but I still laid down underneath a big beautiful willow tree. Soon after that I drifted off to sleep.









Bethany's POV

I was laying down on my bed listening to music. Yesterday was my birthday day and it was pretty awesome. I woke up to my mom dad and Carter singing happy birthday to me. They all gave me their presents. Mom got me a silver locket, it hade a picture of me and her in it and when you closed it it said I love you. Carter gave me a box of chocolates, roses, a huge teddy bear holding a heart that had our pictures in it and said best sister ever. Then my dad gave me my first car. After that I went out with Erica and Brenda to an amusement park. Summing up my day, it was pretty awesome. "Beth!!! I need to run! I know its only been a day but I feel trapped." Phoenix said sounding impatient. "Alright, alright let me tell mom and dad first." I told her getting up and putting on my shoes. I ran down stairs and ran into Carter making him fall. "What the hell Bethany!! Watch out where you going!" Carter yelled at me getting in my face. I glared at him and he pushed me. I growled at him and his eyes widen. "Haha you know I love you sis." He said nervously. I chuckled and walked past him. I went into my dads office and sat sown in the chair in front of him. "Daddy.." I said in a little girl voice. He looked up from the paper work and started at me. "What do you want princess." He said looking suspicious. "Phoenix want to go for a run. Can we go?" I said with a cheesy smile and puppy eyes. "Hmm.... ok princess just be careful and stay in are boundaries." He said and with that he went back to his paper work. I ran out side going behind a tree stripped down and shifted. I was in control when we started running. "Bethany May Morgan!!! Let me take control or I will some how kick your ass!!" Phoenix screamed at me. I laughed and I got a growl from her. "Ok, ok calm down." I said letting her take control. She ran for a while then stopped at a meadow. There was this sent that smelled delicious. The scent smelled like nothing I've smelled before. The closer I got the more it smelled like cherries and a bit of fresh soil. It was beautiful and I wanted more of it....

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