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Today is my first day at a new school. Finally, a fresh start.

I glance over at the school from my mom's car and smile, knowing that no matter what, this school has to be better than my last.

"Honey did you hear me?" My mom asks, bringing me out of my memories from my last school.

"Yeah mom. Well, I'll see you after school," I say, and leave her car before she gives me a speech on how I'm gonna have a great year.

As soon as I walk onto the sidewalk of the school, I scan the courtyard and see that everyone has their own cliques, their own friends, and I am a loner. I pull out my phone to make myself look busy when I suddenly bump into a hard surface.

I look up to see a tall, friendly looking brunette, wearing a button up shirt and nice slacks.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," he apologizes to me, even though I was clearly not paying attention to where I was going.

"It's my fault, I'm sorry," I say as I start to walk away.

"It's alright," the handsome brunette says to me. "Hey, I haven't seen you around before, my name is Grayson," he introduces himself.

"I'm Veronica, I'm new here," I smile up at him. I already like the people here more than my last school.

"Well Veronica, what's your first hour, maybe I can walk you to it," Grayson says with a beautiful smile.

"I have U.S History first," I say, showing him my schedule.

"I have that class too, I'll walk with you," he says, leading me into the school.

As I walk with Grayson, I notice many eyes on us the entire time. Maybe he's popular? Oh, who am I kidding, of course he's popular, he's beautiful!

"Well, this is it," he motions to our U.S History class, leading me inside.

The class is quite empty, despite it being the first day with only five minutes left till the bell. I follow Grayson and sit down next to him, in the front row of the classroom.

"So, where did you move from?" He asks.

"Florida," I respond, scrunching my nose.

He giggles at my gesture, "You didn't like it there?"

"I loved it there, and then.." the bell rings interrupting my thoughts, and students start to come in. I'm secretly thankful for them all being very noisy because it means that I don't have to finish telling Grayson my story, even though he seems like a trustworthy guy.

As students start to pour in, they all nod, or greet Grayson as they come in. I guess he is popular.

After the class is mostly full, the teacher walks in. Nothing really special about him except for the fact that he is extremely young, my guess is that he's 22 at the most. As he sets his materials down, all the girls around me whisper to each other about how attractive he is, and I just don't see it.

Our teacher, Mr. Smith, introduces himself and them moves onto the syllabus. As he speaks, a student walks in and he looks awfully familiar. I take in the appearance of his face and notice that he looks exactly like Grayson, except the complete opposite. This boy has a purple streak in his hair, wears a plain black shirt and black ripped jeans, completely unlike Grayson, not to mention he's late for class.

The boy walks in, not paying any attention to the teacher or anyone else in the classroom, even though all the girls are practically drooling over him. He scans the classroom for an empty seat and settles on the one directly behind me.

"Hello brother," he smirks at Grayson, once he's settled down.

After he's done causing a scene, Mr. Smith speaks, "One thing I do not tolerate, students, is being tardy. What is your name, sir?" He stares at the boy behind me.

"I wasn't even that late," the boy says disrespectfully.

"What is your name?" He asks. The boy simply rolls his eyes and puts his head down childishly, not answering the question.

"His name is Ethan," Grayson speaks up. "Ethan Dolan."

"Ah, thank you. Mr. Dolan, Ethan, please see me after class so I can discuss with you the consequences if you are late again." Mr. Smith says to Ethan, even though his head is still down.

After Mr. Smith has gone over the entire syllabus, there are a few minutes until we are dismissed from class, which he says can be used as free time.

"So, what do you have next?" Grayson asks, turning to me.

"Art," I say.

"Oh that's cool. My brother here takes art and I'm sure he would be happy to walk you to the art room," Grayson smiles and turns his attention to his brother, who has been asleep ever since he arrived to class. When he notices his brother not responding to him, he shakes him awake.

"Grayson what the fuck do you want?" He growls.

"After class, do you mind walking this beautiful girl to the art room?" He politely asks.

"Actually I do mind," Ethan rudely responds.

"Why? It's not like you care about being late," Grayson says.

"Well I have better things to do," he dryly says.

"Like what?" Grayson presses.

"Grayson it's okay, I'll find my way around, I don't want to be a burden," I say to him.

"No, I don't want you to get lost on your first day," he kindly responds to me.

"She said she was okay so just drop it Grayson," Ethan rudely says.

"Fine, then I'll walk you to class," he smiles at me as the bell rings.

Ethan was the first one out of the classroom, and I can't help but wonder why he was in such a rush.

"Well, my class is on the opposite side of the school from the art room, but I'm sure if we walk fast enough, I'll make it to my next class," Grayson says, leading me through the crowds of people in the hallways.

Once we reach the art room, Grayson leads me inside until I've settled into a seat before he leaves. Such a gentleman.

A few minutes later the late bell rings, and to my surprise, in walks Ethan.

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