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To my and Grayson's horror, Natalie and Ethan show up with their whole gang of friends, well Ethan's friends.

"Oh my god," I say realizing that I'm not wearing pants and I'm swimming with my underwear on, "I'm in my underwear Grayson."

"Shit. Okay come on, lets try to get out of here quick, stand behind me and I'll wrap you in a towel," he says, getting out of the water, and I follow quickly behind.

Just as Grayson and I get to the shore and he wraps the towel around my waist, Natalie comes up to us.

"Well, what a pleasant surprise. Isn't it Ethan?" She says, wrapping her arms around him. He doesn't say anything. "I wouldn't have expected to see you two here. But then again, this is where Grayson took me on our first date too," she smirks and I instantly see Grayson's muscles tense.

"Save it Natalie. We were just leaving," Grayson says.

"Leaving so soon?" Natalie pouts. "Stay and join us, please."

"No," Grayson says, wrapping his hand around my arm to pull me away from their group of people.

"Oh, come on Grayson, I haven't spent quality time with my twin brother in a long time. Why don't you stay?" Ethan says with a wicked smirk. I don't trust him when he's around Natalie, but Grayson lights up when he hears Ethan tell him to stay.

"Only for a little bit," Grayson gives in, his muscles relaxing.

"Are you sure?" I whisper to him.

"Yeah," he gives me a confident smile, which makes me hope that this will be okay.

Ethan, Natalie, and their friends, whose names I don't care to learn, all set up towels in the sand and sit in a circle. Grayson sits next to Ethan and I sit next to Grayson, with Natalie right across from me.

"So, Valerie, why'd you move here?" Natalie asks, chewing her gum obnoxiously loud.

"It's Veronica," Ethan snaps before I can say anything. This surprises all of us.

"Why do you care?" Natalie says, turning her attention to him.

"If you're gonna try an terrorize her you can at least get her name right so you don't sound like a dumbass," he says to her, nonchalantly.

"Whatever. So are you gonna answer my question or what?" She says.

"Um, my step dad's job got transferred here," I say.

"Oh really? And you said you're from Florida right?" She asks. I nod. "Would you happen to know this guy?" She pulls out her phone and the image on the screen makes my heart drop. Trevor.

I don't say anything but I know my face must be red and I feel tears surfacing in my eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes. Small world huh?" She says.

"I- I have to go," I say to Grayson as I stand up to run away. I hold on tightly to the towel around my waist so no one sees my underwear. I don't even know where I'm gonna go, I didn't drive here and I just moved so I'm basically stranded. How did Natalie find Trevor?

"Veronica wait!" I hear Grayson calling after me. At this point I'm crying again which makes this like the hundredth time I've cried in front of Grayson.

"Grayson I don't want to talk about it. I'm sorry you keep seeing me like this, and I'm sorry I can never tell you why but I just really don't want to keep bringing you into this," I say to him as I sob.

He tries to pull me into his arms for a hug but I don't let him, because I know I won't want to leave his arms.

"I'm sorry Grayson," I say, turning away from him.

"At least let me drive you home, please," he pleads. I let him because he's my only way to get home.

The drive to my house is silent except for my silent sobs. When we're turning into my neighborhood, Grayson finally breaks the silence, "Who was that guy?"

I pretend I don't hear him and I stare out the window.

"Veronica, I'm just trying to help. I care about you so much," he says, putting a hand on my arm.

"I don't need your help, Grayson. I'm broken and you can't help me. You really want to know who that guy was? He was my ex boyfriend who raped me and showed it to everyone in the school. Is that what you wanted to hear?" I say, breaking out into full sobs again.

We pull up to my house and I reach for the door, but Grayson locks it.

"Veronica, I had no idea," he says, his voice weak.

"Yeah, I know you didn't. Please just leave me alone from now on Grayson," I say as I step out of his car.

"Okay," he simply says.

{A/N: Hey guys sorry this chapter was really short, I've had a lot of writers block lately. Please don't forget to comment and vote so I know what I'm doing right and how to make this story better. Thanks so much for reading I hope you guys enjoy the story so far!}

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