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As soon as I step into my house I feel my phone vibrate and my heart flutters, thinking it's Grayson. I answer the call without checking who it is.

"Veronica Marie Jensen! Where on Earth are you?" My mom yells through the phone. I then realize that I forgot to tell her I was getting a ride home from school.

"Mom, I'm so sorry someone offered me a ride home. I just got home," I apologize.

"You scared the living daylights out of me young lady. You know how protective I am of you after.. You know," she says.

"I know mom, I'm sorry. Things are different now," I tell her.

"I know, sweetie. But I still worry about you."

"I'm fine mom. I'll see you when you get home," I assure her.

After I hang up my phone, I see a text from Grayson.

Hey. It's Gray

I smile at the text and decide to text him back a simple 'Hey'

He instantly texts back

'Are you busy tonight?'

'Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be busy on the first Monday night back to school' I text back, and hope that he senses my sarcasm through the phone.

'Haha. Meet me at Lenny's Diner tonight at 7?' He responds and my heart flutters. I guess he does like me.

'I'll see if I can schedule you in' I say.

'See you tonight x'

I reread our texts for at least ten minutes. My smile disappears when my step dad walks in.

"Veronica," he says, barely acknowledging me.

"Robert," I say, barely acknowledging him. I hated Robert, almost as much as I hated my actual dad. He was basically the same as my actual father and I don't know how my mom ended up marrying someone like him. You would think that she would learn a lesson in love. Robert was rude, abusive and creepy. I think my mom just married him because he had a stable income. Not that my mom is a gold digger or anything, she just wants to be able to provide for me, even if it means marrying a scum bag like Robert.

Moments later, my mom walks in.

"Hey mom," I say, walking up to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey sweetie, how was your first day?" She asks.

"It was good. I made friends," I debate telling her about Grayson and decide to tell her when Robert isn't around.

"That's great, honey! I'm so happy for you," she smiles, and then her smile fades slightly when she sees Robert. He doesn't even acknowledge his own wife. "Hi my love, how was your day," she walks up to him and kisses him on the cheek. He doesn't respond, he just puts a hand on her lower back and reaches in to kiss her mouth. I turn away from the sickening gesture and go up to my room.

Since I don't have any homework, because it was the first day, I decide to go on my phone and scroll through Instagram. I see pictures of all the people that I used to know, and I thank God I'm no longer in Florida. After doing a good amount of scrolling, I decide to unpack more or my things, and organize my room.

I wake up at 6:30, not remembering when I fell asleep, and then I remember I told Grayson that I would meet up with him. I jolt up and run to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and making sure my makeup is alright. Thankfully, my mascara didn't smudge when I took a nap.

"Mom!" I call out from my room. "Mom!" She doesn't answer so I go downstairs to look for her. "Mom?" Still no answer. Then I see Robert. "Um, where's my mom?" I ask.

"She's out," he says, not looking up from his work.

"Well, where did she go?" I ask, trying my best not to snap at him.

"I don't know? Maybe if you hadn't taken a nap, like a lazy ass, you would know," he snaps.

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from losing it as I walk back up to my room. I guess I won't be meeting up with Grayson if my mom isn't here to drive me.

'Hey, turns out I can't make it ):'

'Busy schedule?' He texts back immediately.

'Something like that, no ride' I respond.

'I'll pick you up. Are you ready now?'


'On my way'

I get the butterflies as I wait for Grayson. Eventually he texts me saying that he's downstairs so I rush down to leave.

"And where do you think you're going?" Robert asks.

"Out," I respond as I open the door.

He slams it shut before I can get out.

"I don't think so," he says.

"Robert. Move," I say as politely as I can.

"Why don't you make me," he says, putting a hand on my hip, pressing himself against me. I hate him.

I freeze and don't push him away because I don't know what to do at this point. Then I hear a knock at the door, and I sigh of relief. Thank God.

"Goodbye Robert," I say as I open the door to see Grayson standing there. I step outside and he leads me to his car. As soon as I'm in, I start crying. If my mascara wasn't smudged before, it's definitely smudged now.

"What's wrong?" Grayson puts a hand on my shoulder.

"He- he tried touching me," I gasp out.

"Who?" Grayson asks. I've never told anyone about Robert trying to abuse me, not even my mom.

"I don't want to talk about it. Please just take me away from here," I say, and Grayson drives off.

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