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The rest of the day at school goes by in a blur. Nothing really interesting happens and no one really talks to me or pays attention to me, especially since I haven't been around Grayson recently.

I skip out on lunch and sit outside by myself, knowing that I wouldn't be welcomed to sit with Grayson and his friends anymore. I wonder if Cat noticed that I'm gone. Probably not, she always seems really preoccupied.

As I'm sitting outside of the school feeling sorry for myself, I hear someone burst through the doors. I look up to see who it is and to my surprise it's Grayson. He's never really alone, especially during lunch, when he has like a hundred different friends to choose from.

"Veronica? What are you doing here?" He asks, seeming quite annoyed. He probably wanted to be alone and I ruined that for him.

"Just sitting," I tell him.

"Oh, well I wanted to be alone.." He trails off, as if expecting me to leave him alone.

"Okay?" I say to him.

"So do you think you could leave?" He asks, not in a rude way, because Grayson doesn't have a rude bone in his body, but he asks in a really unpleasant way. A way that is really unusual coming from Grayson.

"I was here first," I say to him, standing my ground.

He then gets an annoyed face and huffs, and I think he's gonna walk away when he surprises me by sitting down next to me.

"Sorry, I'm such a jerk," he says to me.

"No, you're not. Although two seconds ago you were being a little bit of one," I laugh.

He laughs along and playfully nudges my arm. He's really sending me mixed signals and it's making my head spin.

"I'm also sorry about earlier. You basically poured your heart out to me and I just walked away like a coward. I'm so sorry, Veronica. I really like you, and I don't want to be without you either," he reminds me of what happened earlier. My heart flutters when he says he doesn't want to be without me either, because I honestly thought I made a fool of myself when I told him that.

"So now what?" I ask him.

He puts his hand on his chin and rubs it, as if he is thinking. He looks up too, as if weighing his options, and I nudge his arm for being such a dork.

"Veronica, how would you like to go on a date with me? Like a real date?" He asks.

I put my hand on my chin and mimic what he was doing earlier, just to annoy him. He nudges me, just like I did to him.

"Grayson, I would love to go on a real date with you," I smile at him. He instantly smiles back, a gorgeous smile making the dimple on his cheek really prominent. Before I can stop myself, I poke his dimple as he's smiling. "Sorry," I say, covering my face with my hands, embarrassed that I just actually did that.

"You don't have to apologize. That was actually really cute of you to do," he says, smiling that same dimply smile again.

"Shut up, that wasn't cute, it was weird," I argue.

"Anything you do is cute," he says, nudging me playfully. I nudge him back, instead of saying something, since I guess nudging is our new way of communicating. It's kind of odd, but adorable nonetheless.

"So, this date. When and where?" I ask.

He smiles again and takes my hand in his, rubbing his thumb in a circle on my hand, "This Friday and the place is a secret."

"How will I know what to wear if I don't know where we're going?"

He chuckles, "Don't worry about what to wear, I'm sure you'll look good no matter what."

Boys really don't get it do they?

"Yeah but what if I dress for the beach and you end up taking me to a nice dinner? Or what if I dress for a nice dinner and you take me hiking? Or what if-"

He cuts me off by tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, and softly kissing my cheek.

"Don't stress about it, baby," he whispers in my ear.

I glance at him and nod. He's still close to my face, making my heart beat uncontrollably. He starts to lean in and suddenly I get self conscious about everything. Is he gonna kiss me? What if my lips are chapped? Does my breathe stink? All of this passes my mind in a nanosecond, but thankfully, my thoughts are interrupted by the bell ringing.

Grayson pulls away and gives a pout. I wanted to kiss him, obviously, but I want my first kiss with Grayson to not be on the floor outside of the schools cafeteria.

Grayson gets up and dusts off his jeans, and then reaches for my hands to help me stand up. I place my hand in his and he swiftly helps me up. After I'm on my feet, he doesn't let go of my hands, and I don't really mind.

Grayson leads me to my class, and before leaving, he places another quick kiss on my cheek.

"I'll find you after school okay?" He asks, and walks away before I can even respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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