2p America//Drained

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Do you ever just feel so emotionally drained that you don't want to do anything and you literally can't do anything because you just feel like mush?

That's how I feel right now.
Laying in bed, staring at the ceiling.
All the lights off.
I sigh and look at my phone, 10:30. I woke up two hours ago and couldn't go back to sleep. I just wanted the day to end.
Maybe tomorrow it'll be better.

I cozied into my pile of blankets and closed my eyes when I heard someone opening the window. I didn't really care if it was a robber or not. I don't have nice things.

Anyways, the person crawled through the window and on to my bed. And no I didn't feel like checking.
But when I felt the cold familiar hand feel my cheek, I knew instantly it was my boyfriend Allen.

He got under the blankets and put his arm around my waist.

"Not really feeling it today huh?" He asked.
"Nope, not at all." I stated, finally starting to feel drowsy.
"It's ok, it's ok to be drained." He said softly as I finally closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


A/n I know this is so short, but as the story states, I feel drained. And maybe a bit depressed? I don't know,, but I feel horrible either way.

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