Thank you so much @militiagal for the suggestion! I loved writing this.
A/n I guess this one has to be female soooooooooo yeah
Also idk if 2p Japan's name is kuro or kiro or some jazz but in this fic he's called Kuro cause it's cooler.Also the Red Queen is alive.
The White Queen, aka Y/n lay on her throne sideways and very dramatically sighed. Not receiving attention from said sigh, she sighed even louder. Her boring white shoes hit the boring white floor and she walked out the door. (A/n that rhymed loll.)
Y/n didn't ask to be the new White Queen, it was more of a forced situation. Her mother was the OG White Queen, and Y/n was the only daughter (and child in general) that she had. So, when the OG White Queen died, Y/n had to be the new queen. Even though she is only 16, everyone admires her and respects her as an elder. As much as Y/n hated the position, she admitted that she did like the attention. Occasionally.
Y/n strutted down the hallway of the castle and towards the gates.
"Hello M'Lady, are you off for an afternoon stroll?" A knight asked.
"Yes I am."
"Would you like someone to accompany you? In case you need protection?" The other knight inquired.
"No thank you, I can protect myself if necessary. Later." Y/n then walked out the gates and towards a nearby village.The village was quaint and prosperous, most of the people kind, and the heathens low.
Y/n walked into the village, a small smile on her face. This was the village where she met her first friend, Kuro. A thin light skinned boy with extremely dark hair and eyes. He was very odd, but Y/n liked him. A lot. But after he became the Red Queen's apprentice ten years ago, Y/n hadn't seen or heard from him once.
People smiled when they passed Y/n, some even making small talk. Everyone was happy when they saw her. And Y/n soaked up the attention like a sponge.
Y/n had just gotten finished talking to a little girl when she noticed something dark flash away on top of one of the roofs. Not being one to deny a good mystery or adventure, Y/n decided to pursue this shadowy figure. I never said she was smart.
Y/n saw it again, following where it went. She finally saw the shape of a man in front of her instead of s shadowy figure. It was still on the run, and Y/n pursued. It finally went inside an old warehouse, and Y/n, being a dumbass, followed it inside.
The door quickly shut behind her and a chuckle echoed of the walls. Something about the laugh was familiar, insane, but familiar.
"I see you haven't changed a bit Y/n. Still the curious dumbass I knew all that time ago."
Y/n turned around and saw Kuro standing over her. Man, did he grow a lot. And got attractive, too. (WiNk wOnK.)
"Kuro! It's been so long!" Y/n beamed as she recognized her former best friend. She would have hugged him if his sword wasn't in their way.
"I saw you being an attention whore with your citizens, still craving affection I see." Kuro stated as he twirled his sword, maintaining eye contact with Y/n. Y/n's beaming face dropped in a heartbeat.
"I'm not a whore you fuck-nugget." Y/n growled as she folded her arms.
"Oh little Y/n finally standing up for herself? I remember when I used to save your ass everyday when we were kids. You owe me." Kuro said as he got closer to Y/n.
"I don't owe you anything Kuro. Now if you'll excuse me I have a kingdom to run." Y/n was about to walk towards the door when Kuro's sword was at her neck.
"Not so fast Queenie. I have a job to do. My job is to kill you. But, I find you amusing so, I want to keep you alive." Kuro said as he stepped backwards, making Y/n do the same.
He then turned her around to face him, his blade still at the back of her neck.
"Wait wha-"
"Shut up! Let me finish. Now I am the Red Queen's right hand man, so I can't just defy her orders and lie to her face. So I will just tell her today that you were in another country visiting the poor. We will keep up this little game until you either fail me and die, or my Queen dies.""What do we do while your supposed to be on your 'mission'?" Y/n asked and air quoted 'mission'.
Kuro got closer to Y/n, so close that they almost touched noses.
"We will be in a relationship of course."
He then leaned in and kissed her, his sword still at the back of her neck. Y/n kissed back obviously, and it went on for quite a while. They finally ended the kiss and just touched foreheads, out of breath. Kuro dropped his sword and caressed Y/n's face on both sides.
"I see that there are no objections." Kuro stated.
Y/n shook her head and said,"Nope."
So, they secretly dated. Meeting up in different places to avoid suspicion. Both madly in love with each other, Kuro completely forgot his mission to seduce Y/n and then kill her when he gained her trust. Make her love him and think that he loves her, the ultimate betrayal.
But as I said, he forgot. For now...
A/n heyyyyy guys I finally got this up omg! I actually really like this one loll.Comment if you want a part two. I'm considering it.
ThAt'S aLl fOr TodAY fOlkS!

Hetalia x Reader One Shots
FanfictionSo hello everyone! This will be an odd collection of headcannons and such of hetalia (x reader of course) ALSO IM OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS ~~~ Enjoy:3