An AU where you are a famous YouTuber woAh :) ALSO your URL will be U/n so just insert what you would be called.
creds to WorldWarWafflez for both this idea and the last fic prompt
Alfred's POV
I've seen every single one of U/n's videos. Every. Single. One.
I mean they are my favorite YouTuber after all, and their videos are just the best. I even got Matthew into them, and now we watch them together all the time.
"Yo bro, ya wanna get some McDonald's?" I asked Matthew, starving as always.
"Yeah sure bro, tho I just want some fries and a drink," Matthew stated.
"Nerd!" I then threw a pillow at him.We got into the car and instantly brought up the topic of U/n.
"Yeah bro," I laughed,"I'd totally date em if we lived near each other. U/n'd be all over me."
Then Matthew laughed."Yeah right, we both know that if you ever did meet them, you'd be a flustered mess," Matthew stated.
"Yeah I know I'm right. I'd be cool and chill and obviously they'd be really into that so they'd be like," I then continued to do a higher pitched voice,"Ooooh Alfred, you're just too beautiful and heroic! Marry meeeeeeee!"
Matt just rolled his eyes. We then finally pulled into the McDonald's parking lot and headed in.We were instantly greeted by the warm, beautiful sight that was the inside of a McDonald's. I instantly felt at home. I casually walked up to the register since I knew what I wanted by heart.
"Yeah can I get uuuuuu-" I instantly stopped talking.
Because my cashier.
Oh no.I instantly lost my cool.
They just looked so pretty in the uniform and their expressionless face was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
"Sir just tell me your order when you're ready," they stated monotonously (yet beautifully).
Matthew pushed me aside and ordered for me. How embarrassing.
U/n smiled at him and gave him our number and our cups. I was a blushing mess.
"Wow you really had them wrapped around your finger Al.." Matthew laughed. I elbowed him.
"It's not funny Matt! They must've had some sorta spell on me or something.."
"Yeah that or you are just totally in love bro."
We got our drinks and sat down at the table, waiting for our number.
"Number 37!" some random dude called. I got up to get the food and put the tray down on the table. I put my head in my hands and sighed.
"What's the matter bro?" Matthew asked.
"I can't believe I couldn't just talk to em. I'm such a mess," I whined.
Matt sighed and said,"That you are, but you live in the same town, so you might have more opportunities than you think."
I nodded slowly. "True bro."
We finished eating our food and was about to throw it away, when I saw some writing on a napkin.
Dear dude with my merch,
Call me sometime ;)
Y/n. (U/n)
*number*I looked down at my shirt and the backpack I had on and realized I was wearing their merch.
Oh boy.
I looked over to where they were standing and realized that they were standing there looking back at me.
I blushed again and they chuckled a bit. And then they winked at me.
Maybe not being cool was the way to go.

Hetalia x Reader One Shots
FanfictionSo hello everyone! This will be an odd collection of headcannons and such of hetalia (x reader of course) ALSO IM OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS ~~~ Enjoy:3