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In this story the reader is Hispanic btws because for some reason wattpad hardly shows any Hispanic love ❤️ WHERE MY HISPANICS AT?


Y/n was a strong independent country who didn't need anyone's help. Their economy was flourishing, the ruler was great, and the people were prosperous. Everyone was happy, and no country hated them or had any ill-will towards them. 

So, when Y/n finally got sick, they refused any kind of help. From anyone.

"Ugh esto es horrible! Espéra no, estoy bien. No estoy enfermo. Es solo mí imaginación."

That's when a loud American burst through the door; with goldfish, soda, canned soup, and movies.

"Oye! Calm down! I have a headache, idiota. Americanos locos, siempre llegando inesperadamente..."
"I have no idea what you just said but you're welcome!"
"No problem Alfred." Y/n smiled.

"Anyways I heard you were feeling bad so I brought you the necessities, soup, soda, and movies! Oh and don't forget the goldfish!" Alfred waved the items in the air, almost dropping the soda in the process.

"I'm not sick! I'm perfectly fine." Y/n stated, but then coughed directly after. "No matter what you say, the hero will take care of you! Now sit on the couch while I put on a movie!"
Y/n's pride told them to kick the American out of the door, but who can refuse free food? So, Y/n sat on the couch, being served to.

"tal vez tener a alguien que me cuide no es tan malo." Y/n thought as Alfred served to their every will.

A/n I hope you liked this little short :-) I'm Puerto Rican 🇵🇷 Anyways I realized that on wattpad some people forget that there are people of different races reading their stories. Like, they'll be like "he muttered in Spanish but reader said I don't know what that means lollll" like English is not everyone's only language! And it makes me so mad. And like that whole "your long sleek hair was in a ponytail and your bf loved it and said 'your so beautiful ;))))' (bad grammar intended) like my hair is a pixie cut and it's curly and poofy af! Like? What??? Reader inserts are supposed to be inclusive of everyone unless stated otherwise. And in my case, I stated otherwise. Sorry not sorry for this rant lmao I was just on a roll there.

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