2p Canada // Unexpected

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Y/n was walking the streets of Canada, the World Meeting was being held there finally and Y/n had a tradition of exploring beforehand.

Y/n was waltzing down a quaint road, filled with little shops. They wandered a little far from the hotel this time, but they didn't care. They always found the way back.

Until today.

Y/n was completely turned around, and they had no idea were the hell they were. There was not a person in sight, all the shops were closed. And worse, it was getting dark.
Y/n checked their phone,
No Service


They tried remembering which direction they came from, but felt just as confused as before. At least until a strong hand touched their shoulder.
Y/n calmly turned around and saw their friend, Mathieu (or Matt).

"What are you doing Y/n?" He asked calmly.
"I'm lost bro. I got turned around and next thing I know I'm down some little street where everything looks the same."
"You were daydreaming weren't you?"


"Y/n what did I tell you about zoning out in public places?" He got a little closer.
Y/n sighed, "That its very dangerous."
"You're lucky you're in Canada, or you'd be mugged by now. Now let's go back to your hotel."
"Yes sir!" Y/n saluted and laughed.

Mathieu got a little closer to Y/n, almost touching noses before walking away.

"Wait for me!"

*+*+*Timeskip to Hotel*+*+*

Y/n lay down on the bed, sighing in relief.
"Thank you so much Matt. Without you I'd still be on some random street."

Matthieu sat down on the end of the bed and chuckled.
"You'd probably of found your way to America by accident."
Y/n laughed and hugged Matthieu's back.
"Thanks for taking care of me Matt."
"You're welcome."

A/n aaaye so somebody suggested 2p Canada and somebody suggested unexpected SO BAM. Two down. I'm so good at this. I guess you could call me *puts on sunglasses* a professional.
Well fellas I'm very tired so imma take a nap.


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