School is a horrible thing.
A Horrible, horrible thing.It lowers your self esteem, confidence, and life views.
So summer is like a safe time.
You get to regenerate, sleep, and do things you genuinely enjoy.So when the dreaded back to school comes, the depression comes along with it.
The case was no different to Y/n.
They were just going into freshman year, a big leap in the days of a teenager.
They were filled with anxiety and hopelessness even as the shoved all of their necessary supplies into their backpack.
"All I'm wearing is a hoodie and skinny jeans.." Y/n muttered to themselves as they slipped on a tank top and pulled the hoodie over their head.
They put on their dirty converse, grabbed their backpack and headed to the bus stop. They didn't see their best friend Matt yet. He usually waited with them if he decided not to skip school or sleep in. Y/n figured it was just gonna be one of those days.
"Good thing I have other friends.." y/n muttered to themself again as the bus rolled around the corner. They slowly trudged into the back and plopped down next to their friend Elizabeta.
"Hello y/n!" Elizabeta chirped.
"Hullo Eliza.."Y/n yawned.
Elizabeta frowned. "You didn't stay up till 3am reading fanfics again did you?"
Y/n whined,"They're just too goood!"They continued with their small talk and the bus finally pulled up to the academy.
Elizabeta and Y/n walked up to the front and both pulled out their schedules. They had most of the same classes luckily, except Math.
Y/n heard a familiar grunt and saw Matt leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette.
"You know you're not supposed to be smoking on campus right.." Y/n gestures to the 'no smoking' sign right next to him.
He just chuckled. "Oh Y/n..."
Elizabeta chimed in,"Why are you here early Matt?"
Matt shrugged and simply stated,"Cuz I felt like it."
Y/n and Elizabeta just shrugged and left Matt to finish off his cigarette.They found their lockers (pretty close by each other) and then headed to first period, Science.
They took their seats just as the professor began to speak slowly,"Hello class in Mr.Sogo and I'm going to be your science teacher. Please turn to page 27 in your textbooks.."
The day went by slowly and occasionally Y/n and Elizabeta would see Matt with his school group more like gang..
Anyways they met up with some more friends, Feliciano (freshman), Oliver (Sophomore), and Bee. (I forgot Belgiums name aaah,, anyways she's also a Sophomore).
At lunch they all sat at their normal table in the very back, away from the jocks. Which included Alfred, Matthias, and Gilbert. All football players.
They started eating their lunch when they heard some loud noises from outside. They turned towards the window and saw Matt and his crew doing God knows what(prolly something illegal)..
Anyways Matt's crew included Allen, Francois, and some non important people.
They all averted their stares back to their little lunch table.
Y/n sighed," I just wish Matt weren't so reckless, especially at school."
Feliciano agreed,"Sí, he'd be really nice if he didn't hang around with such bad influences.."
Oliver joined in,"Yes he would be a very good kid, even at home however he's so irresponsible."Bee. nodded,"He would also be more attractive if he cared more about his appearance. Elizabeta nodded in agreement.
Y/n sighed,"True.."
After lunch the group headed out to pe, which all of the freshman and sophomores had together.
Y/n was nervously messing with their shirt because they absolutely hated pe. With a passion. Especially since the jocks were in that class and they liked to show off.
Matt and his crew skipped out as usual, so y/n's friend group stuck close together.
Y/n was lowkey freaking out because throughout all of pe, Alfred and his friends kept looking over at them. That made Y/n very nervous...
**timeskip to the end of the day**
Elizabeta had to be checked out during pe, so Y/n was alone at their locker. That's when they heard footsteps coming uncomfortably close.
They turned around to see Alfred smiling obnoxiously with his two best friends at his side.Y/n shut their locker and monotonously said,"What's up?"
Alfred laughed that obnoxious (beautiful) laugh of his and said,"Oh I just wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date with me this weekend."Y/n almost choked. A date? With Sophomore Jones? The prettiest guy in school? This had to be a joke..
So of course y/n said,"This has to be a joke right?"Alfred's smile faltered a bit. He stated,"Nope. 100% serious. So, waddya say?"
Y/n was skeptical, however replied,"Sure I guess so."Alfred's beautiful smile returned. "Good! I'll pick you up at 6:30 on Saturday!" Then him and his also beautiful friends walked away triumphantly.
Y/n felt hopeful for once. Maybe this year wasn't going to be so bad... then the thought loomed on them. What would Matt think?? Oh no,, what would Matt do? Y/n's hopeful mood suddenly turned dreadful.
Of course Matt wouldn't approve. But again, he wasn't Y/n's boyfriend. He couldn't dictate who they could or couldn't date. But then again, y/n did have a small crush on Matt.
Y/n decided to walk home.
The terror of Matt consuming their every step.~~~~~
A/n I'll write a part two tomorrow lmaoooooooo I'm way too tired and I have school tomorrow which is absolutely horrible. Ugh. Hello darkness my old friend...
Depression, welcome back!

Hetalia x Reader One Shots
FanfictionSo hello everyone! This will be an odd collection of headcannons and such of hetalia (x reader of course) ALSO IM OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS ~~~ Enjoy:3