Tujuan akhir wanita

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Hello, its been a while since I wrote here. Dari judulnya kayaknya berat ya? Nah, I just want to share about my thought about it, although i dont know who would read this.

So its just a mere talk between me and my collague in work. Suddenly she asked me
"Valya kapan nikah?" And im just silence, covered in shock. Yeah, i used to this kind of question.
"Valya ga mau nikah?" She asked me again. What?what is that again?
"Ya mau mbak, tapi calonnya aja belum ada" i answered slowly.
"Oh kupikir engga mau nikah"
"Kalo sekarang belum sih mbak memang" i had like a thousand things that i want to do when i still single.
"Lha kenapa?"
"Entah, masih pengen sekolah lagi" and its true, i want to get a higher degree
"Lha buat apa?kan kamu udah S1"
"Ya eman mbak, cuma nambah 2 tahun aja"
"Lha terus mau nikah umur berapa?"
"27 kayaknya mbak" well, i have counted my age and all the things i want to do, calculate the priority and all, then it take me 27 years for me to get ready to marriage.
"Ih ketuaan ntar val, kamu mau lahiran umur berapa?belum kalo kamu pengen punya anak lebih dari 1, beresiko nanti"
"Iya sih mbak" i knew it, and yes i want 3 boys as my child.
"Jadi perempuan engga usah sekolah tinggi tinggi, kan nantinya juga jadi ibu"
And im just silence. I really want to speak up about my mind. But it might be too harsh for her, so i better keep my mouth shut.
"Rejeki siapa yang tau val, kalo kamu sekolah tinggi tinggi tapi di kasih rejekinya segitu ya tetep segitu"
"Ya, makanya itu kita harus usaha mbak"
And then my unnie came in the middle conversation. I though i would blew up and throw a sarcastic word to her. But thankfully it didnt happen.

Its not that i dont want to be a mom. Everywoman (well almost every woman) wants to be a mom.

But i dont want to become an ordinary mom. I want to be a super cool mom, who had a master degree. That i understand how this tv works, the heat transfer of this air conditioner. Mom who knows how this 3d glasses work, and can explain well enough why my boy have to go to school every damn day.

And i will put effort on it, that my boy will not receive all my love, but all my though, all my dreams, and all my adventure.

And all the children have the right to earn that, and we ought to give them the best that we can.

Every body can be a mom, but not just because she give a birth to a child. But we have to fight for the child until our child acknowlege us by call us as a simple, hero, perfect, worth word "Mom"

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